100 Men Roster Individual War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Head_Hunters, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Firstly, this thread about 100 men roster individual war.for the record,three loses straight this weekend.

    To the point of this discussion,i would like to say 3 straight loses is really frustrating.the question is why?yes maybe i'm noob but the 4 real reason of three loses are war commander wrongly call time for xtaling (too early too xtaling),participant don't have health crystal,don't know how to SKO and inactives.meanwhile,tracker doing a good job tracking cause tracking 100 men roster is not an easy job.

    don't get me wrong,i don't blame 100% on war commander but as general of big army,general must evaluate situation before making any call.

    any opinion/suggestion/comment are welcome.
  2. May I ask what the point of this thread was?
  3. Dont do weekend wars if you only get mad when you lose. /lock
  4. This
  5. By his word choice and grammar, I feel like English is a second language and he had a hard time explaining himself.

    So basically after 3 straight losses in Indi Wars, you want to do a 100 man indi war? And you blame your losses on the war commander for calling xstals to early, but you don't put all the blame on him?

    Basically what I derived from it. Sorry if you guys feel like I just restated OP. Thought I'd help the guy out
  6. Sure people get mad when they lose a war, but most people just tell their friends they are butthurt rather than telling the world that they are butthurt.

    The latter result is the most hilarious, because that's when threads like this come into play. :lol:
  7. Pure bad luck bud
  8. Ps hope I'm never on your side lol
  9. How about you WC or grow out of the inactive noob bracket.

    Problem solved.
  10. Idk, the only reason i got ee3 is because the people on top carried me, so im not complaining :lol:
  11. While I do aggree with you that the 100-men rosters during the weekend are annoying as hell and I personally don't like them, I wouldn't blame that on the WC's. They do their best to lead 100 people into battle while they're being moled, especially in the lower tiers here because it's so easy to make a new account and just go to war.
  12. 100 men?

    Women play KAW too you know!!!!!
  13. That is a true statement that is true. My appologies.
  14. Please dude that's nothing, I win only 5-10% of my Indis on my sh
  15. It's 100 man indi, it's where the people without any prior ee wars go to learn. Or in a lot of cases they do them because they don't have an xtal
  16. Reputation 
  17. I win about 95% of my indy wars.

    Sucks to suck
  18. I'm 8-0 in my indies so far, but I can't really take any credit for that, half of them were mismatches...
  19. If you complain about the war commander why not command yourself? 100man is no easy task for war commander,some choose to split up the work.
  20. I haven't won a indi war yet sigh