Most of my post got cut off. . There was more to it, but in summary it was a question: is there an advantage in mixing troop buildings, or better to go balanced for stats?
It gives the best stats combined, but lets remember you can't attack with defense. So the best power will come from the higher attack buildings.
It depends what your looking for. Of you want the best overall stats go for balanced if you want more attack power than defense then go for more attack builds. Balanced builds also have the added bonus of one more hit per unload too.
It depends entirely on play style and how it will be used (Rwar, osw, EBs) There is no perfect build, no best build, sorry Slightly off topic, but some buildings are prettier than others too, I feel that should matter (you're the one that has to look at them for hours)
It's completely up to you which to chose, personally I'd go for mostly balanced with a few attack thrown in, never mix a lot of all three building. Defence building gives 5% more plunder, but i'v seen SS of pure builds of each and the plunder difference in minimal, remember with the EB pots other players will most likely get through your defence anyway. So giving up the other two building attack power for Defence isn't worth it I think. The attack buildings don't give a huge difference in attack compared to the balanced but when you see a full attack buildings based hitter the defence is horrible, the difference in attack compared to balanced isn't worth the huge loss in defence. Even building one balanced building will give you the extra 2 hits per regen, with an extra 5 minutes regen time, good for when you've been away for more than an hour, balanced also gives the most combined stats. So really the choice is yours, but I'd go balanced building with a few attack thrown in.