Despite the developers narrow mindedness in resetting 24dude and my battle wins which were gained within the mechanics of the game, albeit rather creatively they cannot deny it. Both 24dude and I did make greater than 100,000 battle wins. If anyone would like evidence please PM me in Pal and I will send a screenshot. Dear developers I request you reinstate Dude24's and my wins or provide a feasible explanation as to why you shouldn't. Let KaW be the judge.
I don't think you're getting this...they were LEGIT wins. The devs can fix the exploit, but until they do these wins should stay
IT WAS NOT AN EXPLOIT AND IT DID NOT NEED PUNISHING its like banning rajang cuz hes just so god damn smexy
Im with them too! Their wins were legit and shouldnt be reset.. This is the devs oqn for for not fixing it or so..
Every game has his loopholes, and there are people who eventually figure them out. That's part of the game. Up to know, though, there was no penalty for exploiting the loopholes... We found a loophole, and we knew that the devs would have to do something to fix it. And indeed they did. As of today, we will not be able to use our builds to give gold out effectively, because we would run out of pots very fast. And, of course, that means that we will not be getting "free" wins anymore. However, I do not see why we were penalized yesterday. I do not recall this happening in the past, when other people exploited other loopholes and forced the devs to make changes to the game mechanics. So, an explanation from the devs as to why we were penalized and others were not would be nice. As I said earlier, I do not particularly care about the wins. However, it is a matter of principle, and I do agree with others that the treatment we received was unfair and not consistent with previous practices.
My prediction for this dev response, as when you are wrong you pretend to ignore the issue. Care to dispute that statement devs? Then explain.
They were well deserved wins, the devs should stop ****ing the game up. Polly and 24 deserved it by all means, not their fault and if you left a loophole. This is **** stupid seriously. Anw if this is how u wanna roll, why not give all the players the money back after makin full strips harder. Seems like a few sore monkeys have been spamming feedback. F all of u
IMHO so whenever I win a fight when some1 attacks me means I'm exploiting? That's bs! Well deserved wins
Lol - game development & management is not very effective when done through a democracy so... gl w ur cause here. That said, my hat is off to u both for finding a very creative way to quickly overtake the LB and severely upset DeathMonkey (I think he takes that particular LB very seriously). Well done - u will be remembered in KaW lore I am sure.
Take away all wins by defending or take away none. And if you go with choice one I very strongly believe you will lose many players. If you take choice two return the fair, legit wins to 24Dude and Pollyanna.
Be nice if they had em back did good service to kaw also. Well doubt you'll get em back. Like nyn said this ain't no democracy. Why complain about the wins. Better to complain about the update and reverse that ^_^ better chances I think