10 Days of this game

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by B_A_D__S_E_E_D, May 3, 2016.

  1. I discovered this game less than a fortnight ago. So far I have enjoyed it. Several people have reached out to guide me. Reading stuff on forums helps. Actually my favorite forum reads so far have been the threads when a huge girl fight erupts between a bunch of clans all making grandiose claims.

    So I'm tap tap tapping away and I have over 5k of these hook thingies which should get me some good bars to grow some more. That leaves me with some questions I hope you forumers can help with:

    1. Do I just keep chasing these event rewards? Might get boring after a bit.

    2. How do I get involved with something a bit more mischievous than attacking epic battles?

    3. Do many of you spend regularly on this game? Was thinking about getting a few propacks.

    Thanks for any guidance you can throw my way. :)
  2. Shutzzzzz up
  3. Events are virtually run B2B. It's up to you whether you choose to really participate. It's a really good way to grow if you're active enough because of the silver bar pay outs. It's also a good way to earn some equip.

    If you want to learn about other play styles like warring and PvP I'd suggest reading through some of the war guides in forums. You can also go to your batte list and attack other players. I'd suggest asking in WC or looking around in forums to get some guidance on PvPing if that's what you're interested in :) I can help a bit, feel free to follow and ask any questions. But there are more experienced PvPers and warrers than I who I'm sure will be able to help you :)

    As for spending, that's really up to you.
  4. Go away.

    The events are more recent and it doesn't look like they'll be going anywhere. They're good for growth, but not nearly the entirity of the game. PvP and osw (off system war) is a huge part of the game as well as EE warring.

    If you don't like hitting EBs, hit people. Just go at it on the battle list or whoever you can reach on world chat. Trouble is always fun.

    A large majority of players spend money on the game. Mostly for nobility and health crystals. Propacks are nice, but not needed now-a-days.

    If you have any other questions feel free to follow me.
  5. Try doing individual war...u will love it for a bit (until u realise that match ups mostly determines who wins and there is nothing u can do to change that)
  6. Propacks are more overpowered than ever before.
  7. Oh dear child... Enjoy this game before it consumes your life... Miss dates because of a war... Fail school because of an event... Cry in a corner because you're being farmed... You'll experience it as I have...
  8. Yay for new folks! Glad you're enjoying the game. Warning, it does become rather addicting. To answer your questions though...

    1) for now, yes, chase the rewards and push for growth as you'll find that opens up some of the more enjoyable aspects of the game. Depending on personality, that might be harder epic battles, the 1 hour wars set up by kaw (ee wars), or osw (non kaw sanctioned wars where clans beat each other up). Adding more stats will help you for all of those so that's probably your first goal.

    2) getting into the more fun parts and away from epic battles is a beautiful thing. You don't need to be large stats to do it at all so don't feel like you have to wait. Being a little larger can help oftentimes but is by no means necessary. For the first steps, I'd highly recommend doing an individual ee war (Indy war) and also casting for the next pvp portion of the promo.

    Indy wars take a couple hours of your time as you have to cast the spell and leave your clan an hour before the war time. You'll be able to see the timer countdown from your profile most likely although I think the placement changes depending on idevice versus android vs PC. They're fun though. Let the folks know you're new to it once you get placed into your war clan and hopefully there will be a couple nice folks to give you pointers. You can be sure a couple will whine about noobs and how they're guaranteed to lose now but ignore them, they probably suck at ee war anyway and they'll be the ones that lose it for the team.

    For the pvp, you'll go to the alchemist and cast the pvp spell when the weekend pvp part of the promo starts. From there, just go to your battle list and atk and steal from everyone. Be prepared for pissy and angry people to hit you back and complain...it's what they do. It's fun though, take nothing seriously, and just hit them some more. Always remember, the worst they can do is take your fake gold...ie, they can't do anything really that you can earn back in a day or two.

    3) many spend on the game and most of the larger accounts spend pretty regularly. It's up to you how much and how often but if you're able to spend, it does help your growth quite a bit.

    Regarding propacks, that's a great place to start because you get goodies along with them. One main recommendation though, if you're on an idevice, buy the top dollar propack, and only that one, on your phone. When you do, you'll get nobility points as a bonus for purchasing the propack (or at least you used to, I don't think they've changed it but it's been a looooong time since I bought one).

    Once you buy that biggest one though, log onto the game through your PC. On the PC, you buy propacks using nobility points. You can see where this is going.... Use the nobility points from your phone propack purchase and you can buy all of the rest of the propacks. Basically, you get them all for the price of buying just the most expensive one. Once you're done you'll have all the propacks, a good amount of nobility points left, a bunch of health crystals from the propacks you bought on your PC, and enough speakers to talk on world chat and pick a fight with someone.

    And then have fun and make friends cuz the friends are what keeps you coming back and playing for years.
  9. Thanks. Very helpful.

    As for the rest of the non-ass splashes I appreciate your advice so far!
  10. Getting involved in non epic battle matters is quite easy now, just join the Pvp events and find the biggest fairy you can hit, unload on him/her as much as possible. It will surely evolve into tears or you being farmed by a clan
  11. Find a clan that doesn't fail ebs and stay there while you grow....don't build towers unless you want to stay at a certain size for a long time....or you build them on later lands like abyss and osman rai. They will drop your plunder like crazy. But they are very useful in war and pvp....being a Hansel you don't exactly need towers unless you don't feel like listening to the people in Indi wars complain. But it is always fun farming them after wards and asking how much their towers do for them now :lol: seriously though I'd try every aspect of the game at least once to see what it is you like....personally PvP events are my highlight as far as actual fun on here now a days. I get to hit a bunch of people and make stupid amounts of gold at the same time win/win right there
  12. When you're big, sure. But from the beginning I'd suggest buying nob and xstals for growing and excelling in events before spending money on propacks.
  13. Welcome to Kingdoms at War, and happy to hear you've been enjoying the game so far.

    Others have already given you some good answers and advice, but to reiterate a few points.

    Events are something we have on a regular basis, they provide players with optional activities and a good way to earn a number of rewards, equipment, and gold used to upgrade.

    You'll want to continue to grow, take on Epic Battles, and even venture into warring (either individual, or with a clan that has your back).

    Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions as we've got some super helpful people around.
  14. Again, not promoting PvP?

    If osw clans boycotted xtals and seal purchases your profits would probably more than halve.

    Seals get used for funds, xtals used in strips. Be fair grant, give back to real PvP players. Give blitzes better rewards, increase normal BL payout or create new drops from it.

    Stop being so damn narrow minded towards ebs all the damn time.

    Edit: welcome to KAW OP. Feel free to PM with questions :)
  15. Join new age
  16. Glad to you're enjoying the game! Wait till you get caught up in some drama, you'll have way more fun! :lol:

    1) Chase the rewards you'd like, devs have been throwing out b2b event for their own gain ($$$). So your new shiny equipment you get here might be outdated in about 2-4 months.

    2) You can do Indy wars (Individual wars) or Primals. It's basically warring with a team against another team. Or Osw, off system wars where you just farm and strip people of their allies or trash talk in wc whilst pinning on hte or just chill and casually farm a d trash talk. If that floats your boat.

    3) I used to spend a bit on this game before abyss lands came out. You can buy a few propacks, i bought the Chaos pack with scimitar and 50 xtals (Android), i have no regrets there. Be cautious.

    Just don't overspend cause i know a lot of people that regret it. We're talking 1k and more here.
  17. PvP is definitely an option, but for most players looking to grow who may not be experienced it has just as big a chance at causing drama preventing you from growing as it does aiding you with growth. Going against the wrong person and ending up being farmed non-stop wouldn't be the best experience for a new player.
  18. Have to say that when I first got into kaw I was a complete joker.
    Right up until some muppet in my then clan caused drama.

    I took on the other party and got solidly farmed, pinned 24/7 literally for 11 days straight.
    Thankfully I'm stubborn.
    That really did have me as a new player ( I was 1 week in then ) thinking what the heck is the point of being here.

    Once that drama ended I started to grow ( yes I'm still small for my years but blame pvp for that ). I learnt from that farming session it's far better to do the pinning than be the victim.
    Part of that is having the right targets and right tactics.
    These days I am far more care free in approach.

    Ebs are awesome for growth stages. They require practically zero risk and great reward at the right level.

    Pvp is awesome but to a new player I would recommend starting out in established system wars or even have an experienced clan mate mock war with you.

    Pvp is expensive and does slow growth.
    Massively, but it's one of the most entertaining aspects of the game.

    Grow for a while first. Pick fights carefully and hopefully find a supportive clan that is rewarding to be a part of. More for the people than anything.

    Drama queens are best avoided at all costs.
    And end of the day if you do take hits. it's all fake gold. You lose nothing but pixels. So never let anyone wind you up.
    Happy kawing.
  19. 10 days and your that big without spending and without an event payout? Hmm
  20. There are plenty of ways people play this games.

    1.) The EB Fairy
    They pretty much just hit ebs and do events. Many are known to seal at b2b hte clans and others will even save crux for extra plunder promos.

    2.) The War Buff
    They do nothing but war, they usually have multiple accounts with a variety of builds. Many like this focus on war so much they do not BC.

    3.) Pvp people
    They like to participate in pvp events, some hit pvp other than that to have fun though.

    4.) OSW peeps
    Every once in a while a couple clans will get pissed at each other and they will go into an Off system war. This section is mainly just people who always seem to be in OSW, but this mainly catagorizes clans rather than people.

    5.) Farmers
    They love to hit people, on their walls you usually see something known as "noob tears" which is when people cry on their wall instead of hitting back. Many of them participate in a yearly event known as Farmfest.

    6.) Forumers
    These guys stick to the forums, some can be helpful (guides and stuff), Others can be trolls, but most are just people asking questions and wondering why they are silenced.
    7.) The Supreme Player
    Someone who does many aspects of the game, kinda like a supreme pizza has everything on it. But they don't necessarily have to do all things to be in this category.

    That's about all I can think of, hope this explains some of the different ways people play the game :D