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Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. I don't know if there is a thread for this already but i got into a fight with somebody a while ago and that got me thinking. What if instead of just farming each other or the average war or osw. Maybe kaw could create a war like system where 2 people can fight one on one and the winner could get mith for it. Now i understand there is flaws there always is, but i believe with some work it could be a good idea as long as it was 2 ppl of the same stats against each other. And also perhaps not put lets say: hansel builds against attack builds because that would be unfair. Anyone like the idea or is it a bust?
  2. With some work, it would be ok. 
  3. But on the other hand, probably wont work.
  4. What happens in a few days?
  5. Won't happen. Sorry.
  6. Was worth a shot :D keep posting if you have any ideas or specific reasons why it wont work
  7. Farm your alt for easy mith.. Good idea.. I'm in ;)
  8. Only way I see this working if you get a random match with other people wanting mith
  9. And be just a race to dtw and reward will be 1-5 mith
  10. True true, if you made an alt and got him the same size of you and same build...isnt that what they used to do with clans, but alot easier? Lol
  11. I wish Phoenix's father would cut his data plan already
  12. Ive posted 2 forums jackass, im just trying to give ideas but you screw it, ill stop trying to help the game considering some ppl dont care apparently even though they look it the thread
  13. Could be good if people were put into divisions due to rankings and a knock out format introduced with winners getting equip or mith depending on divisions this is a more thought out response than the idiots who can't wait to post crap idea since they can't think very well n think they are smart arses
  14. I know peenfan11 I know
  15. I appreciate the people on this who are trying, honestly if you combine the ideas i think it could work
  16. This is a good idea with some tweaks.

    -it'd be randomly against someone (like EE War)
    -They won't be in your clan
    -same stats
    -same BFA/BFE

    But this is a good idea. Even better idea, equipment drops from Battle List. ;)
  17. Bounty hunter thread by val
  18. You should stop making these threads dude