1 Hour EE WARS

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dead-Zeph, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Over the past two weeks more clans have been signing up to the one hour wars than the two hour wars which shows they are popular amongst the KaW community. However reading the forums it is evident that some dislike them as they fel there is a lack of strategy in them. This is mainly due to people coming out of ko after 5mins so they've regened very little.

    To solve this problem I'm suggesting (if possible) that during these one hour wars, troop regen speed is doubled whilst the person is ko'd so people are coming out of ko just as fully as they would be in a 2 hour war, which might possibly bring more strategy into the one hour wars.

    I just made this short thread to see what you think of this idea.

  2. I totally support. Thought of this today
  3. I like the way it is but this isnt a bad idea
  4. Wait only the people in ko or all regen times?
  5. It should be all Regen times, otherwise you give advantage to being ko.
    There is already too much incentive to self ko as it is.
  6. I really hate these one hour wars. I say get rid of them completely. However, if they are kept I do support this idea.
  7. Support. Need more blitz wars.
  8. The longer the war lasts, the more interesting it gets... but this shows a very valid point so i like it :)
  9. 1 hour wars were fun. Looking at week 3 schedule devs must be killing them due to low Xtal sales. Figures anything good gets cut.
  10. No support
    So for this idea, you are giving a reward for people if they get KOd.
    This gives a huge advantage to the team who KOs first, as they gain troops at double the rate of the opposition. This goes against the point of KOing the other team in the first place and further incentivizes self KOing for turtle wars.
  11. Support. Love the 1 hour wars
  12. Creasion brings up a great point i change my view to NO SUPPORT
  13. Support, strategy gets quite vague after ko untill you xstal so yes support