1-Hit EB's

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Peanut-Bear, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. In this guide, I will teach you to 1-hit any epic battle :)

    What you will need

    These are the things you will need:

    People willing to leave, and let you get last hit
    To be on for the last hit

    Where to Start

    The first thing to do is start the EB. The person that is going to 1-hit
    the EB has to be the one to start it.

    How to do it

    From there, just make sure you are on at the very end. If it's a longer
    EB, don't worry about being on for whole thing. You won't be hitting

    Have everyone else hit it. Once it's down to the very last hit, make
    sure everyone that is active in EB leaves. This will NOT work if anyone
    that was active in it is in the clan. Even if they leave and come back in
    before finish, it will NOT work.

    Then, once all actives are gone, make the last hit, and viola: You have
    just 1-hit an EB.

    Use this to amaze your friends, wow the forumers, and scare the crap
    out of your enemies. For they do not know the secret, and they will
    think you are GOD, when you one hit a FoD :twisted:

    Happy KaW'ing :D
  2. This is absolutely pointless.
  3. This is creative
  4. Quit trolling my thread, you troll!!!!!!! lol

    btw, it works :D Check out the clan Destiny of Chisaya OSF. there was an awakening 1-hitted in 12 minutes by Ashaya2 lol.
  5. Do I sense sarcasm?
  6. What if...

    A) The other people accidentally finish the eb

    B) The other people leave more than one hit of the eb when they leave
  7. I don't think there's many people willing to give up their plunder just so one person can look cool.
  8. It's creative, but worthless. It could probably get you all the equipment drops too if you think about it.
  9. Well, then it still looks cool if you get a couple hits on a bigger eb.

    As for other people finishing it, this definitely won't work every time. However, when it does, it's fun to see people that just happen to be looking at clan EB history, and see this...... :D
  10. This would be hard to do but I guess it would make you look pretty hardcore if you pulled it off
  11. Never thought about it that way............ this is so unbelievably cheap. I think I just made a way for powerhouses to become MORE of a powerhouse........
  12. it's super easy on smaller eb's. However, if a clan is big enough, I think pulling off 1-hit equip drop eb's would be simple enough to be possible.
  13. Moose really one hit warbeasts though...

  14. Clever, but pointless
  15. I believe I worked this out first 
    Check Valiant's EB history, you will see a warbeasts that took '1' hit to kill, with 10k plunder. That was me 
  16. OK, maybe you did this first...
    But mine was far less plunder lol.
  17. Good job, bro. :)
  18. This doesnt work , its beeb tested it dpesnt work , quit makeing up random stuff