🦑Into the Abyss🦑

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Aug 21, 2023.

  1. Into the Abyss


    Horrors on the open sea! A desperate mission to rescue their crewmates from sinister sirens commences as Gwyn and Maaku explore the dark depths of the Abyss. Be forewarned! This is a land of ancient eldritch forces where only the truly daring can hope to survive. Can you defeat the sirens and save the crew from an eternity under eldritch control?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, August 23rd until Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 at noon PT.

    Updated Main Legend Tiers

    This event includes the new 10th tier which adds additional rewards to players who collect 100,000 collection items!

    For the duration of Into the Abyss, there will be a PVE and PVP competition running.

    The first PVE Competition instance starts at 1:00pm Pacific Time, and the first PVP Competition starts at 5:00pm Pacific Time.

    Each instance will last 4 hours and as soon as one competition instance ends, another will begin.

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to Into the Abyss will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Vyl'gorath Box, and Royal Vyl'gorath Box.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Bladeheart's Treasure (continued)

    After tirelessly searching for pieces of Captain Rosalind Bladeheart's map, you’ve finally found all 10 pieces and fully assembled the map!

    As you head on over to the starting point, with the mysterious map clenched in your hand, an exhilarating sense of adventure envelopes you. Will you emerge triumphant, clutching Captain Rosalind Bladeheart’s fabled treasure in your hands? Or will you wander aimlessly, forever wondering if this “treasure map” was all a prank, concocted by some locals looking to entertain themselves? Only one way to find out!

    Players who did not assemble a fully completed Map to Bladeheart's Treasure during The Curse of the Jolly Raptor can purchase one in the Marketplace for 50 Nobility Points until Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 at Noon PT.
    Having the Map in your inventory will start a short Legend which will be available until Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 at Noon PT.
  2. Great work on New set! The pet looks badass
  3. If you get a treasure key drop before the legend requiring a key drop, how is it possible to complete the legend? Limit is 1 treasure key so it will stop another drop i think
  4. Agreed. I dropped a key in the first EB I completed before the Legend started. The key does not appear as completed in the Legend.
  5. For the love of god, make eb items not count as actions, and drop them to 200. You have to be full and have the glitch and hit right at the start to just get the actions needed. Meanwhile 200 points for PvP can almostget done in 1 unload 🤦🤦

    Not to mention ppl will use more xstals to get actions so you'll be encouraging more spending. Everyone wins.

  6. Devs don’t listen to bad reviews…. anyways I’m super happy y’all kept the 150 fs plates in Event!!! It is AWESOME. Super helpful to people who are struggling to grow
  7. I like the threshold of 20 epic battles rather than 25 in The Oracle. The Mage is wonderful. One is always in need of 💧 & 🔥.
    Thank You ATA team.

    Ps. September is around the corner. Any KAW league akin to ASW?
  8. Another here who has the key before the Legend. Limit 1 key so now can't claim it?
  9. Another here who has the key before the Legend.
    If you get a treasure key drop before the legend requiring a key drop, how is it possible to complete the legend? Limit is 1 treasure key so it will stop another drop
  10. 1. Use 3 crystals AND (I forget)
    2. Complete 15 ebs AND receive ornate key drop (random drop from eb completion)
    3. Open any 10 boxes
    4. Legend completed
    5. Open box - gives 7 day 20% plunder buff
  11. Key dropped before legend. Can't finish legend now 😭😭
  12. Same here, any mods reaction ?
  13. Message support and they should get you fixed up.
  14. So the “Find a Key” bug was found a few days ago by multiple people and the only way to fix this bug is to message support!? Devs patch your game
  15. Devs pls fix the missing key bug. I sent ticket yesterday, still not fixed. 😐
  16. And again we have forced xtal use, forced aqua inferno use, forced x amount of ebs to hit, forced hitting the bl (or dead alt) forced crux usage and on and on and on, very soon we will enforced toilet breaks! Devs please enough of this just let us play kaw how we want to
  17. So I reading about all the people not getting their legend complete if a key dropped prior to legend starting. What if we didn’t notice that a key that dropped prior and then think legend just isn’t completing? Devs need to fix this game before attempting to release new side legends and competitions.
  18. I also had key drop before legend began and can’t complete legend. Very frustrating Devs. Please remedy this.
  19. I tried to use the new help system for this but the stupid and unworkable questions menu they have put in place is just a complete barrier and does not easily allow to explain the issue. What was wrong with the old system. I always found that worked. It was quick and simple. Now it frustrates the hell out of me. I don’t expect to get a useful response but we’ll see.