๐ŸฅŠWAR Fighters REVIEWS (Tales) ๐Ÿ† 2024

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sataninho, Feb 24, 2024.


Do you like the current war system?

  1. Yes, itโ€™s enjoyable at times

  2. No, but I like to war (in kaw)

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  1. ๐Ÿ‘‹Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Warriors and Onlookers Alike!๐Ÿ‘‹

    Gather 'round as I recount the valor and the failures of those who've dared step into the arena of WAR. My tales are born from the heart of countless battles, where bonds were forged and tested among comrades, and rivalries blazed fiercely with foes. Each encounter, a poignant chapter in the saga of war.


    Pickleiswatchinyou - A Shadow Amongst Warriors

    Alas, this combatant seems more ghost than warrior, often absent from the fray, yielding to defeat more often than not. Struck down with ease, their presence barely felt upon the battlefield.

    Verdict: A mere wisp, unworthy of song or tale. 0.1/10


    Bigdog_ - A Hound That Lacks Its Bite

    Another soul often lost to the void, leaving battles unwon and glory unclaimed. A specter on the field, their might is but a rumor, unproven and unseen.

    Verdict: As invisible as the wind, and just as insubstantial. 0.1/10


    dont-be-dumb-kiss-my_bum - A Squire on the Rise

    Here stands a fighter, blade in hand, heart set on the hunt. Though their spirit may sometimes wane, their steel sings more often than not.

    Verdict: A burgeoning force, yet shadowed by doubt. 3/10


    This-Noob-is-Gonna-Make-U-Cry- - The Phantom Menace

    Rarely seen, but when present, an echo of potential. A specter haunting the battlegrounds, their worth yet to be proven in the clashing of steel.

    Verdict: An enigma wrapped in armor, more absence than threat. 1/10


    Meganon - The Chatterbox Warrior

    A warrior true, their blade finds its mark as often as their words strike the air. A fighter of moderate mettle, their valor is matched by their verbosity.

    Verdict: A balanced combatant, as keen to engage in banter as in battle. 5/10


    WreckingBall - The Battered Bulwark

    A force to be reckoned, though their armor may falter and their charms hold but modest power. Their heart is stalwart, enduring through the fray.

    Verdict: A durable soul, though equipped in lesser finery. 4/10


    Hercules - The Tardy Titan

    A behemoth that joins the fray only when the battle's heart beats deepest. Their zeal for the hunt is unmatched, though their timing oft leaves much to be desired.

    Verdict: A delayed tempest, fierce yet frequently tardy. 2/10


    Let these accounts serve as both warning and inspiration. May the forthcoming conflicts serve to strengthen your resolve or diminish any tendencies towards misconduct. To the onlookers and newcomers beware of the risk of WAR:

    1. AFK Players: Some members may join a war but be inactive (AFK), not contributing to the clan's efforts.

    2. Moles: There could be players who intentionally join a clan to provide information or advantages to the opposing side.

    3. Trash Talkers: Players who demoralize their own team or the opponents, affecting morale and focus.

    4. Childish Behavior: Some players may not take the war seriously, engaging in immature banter or actions that don't contribute to the clan's objectives.

    5. Manipulators: Individuals may attempt to control or deceive other players for their own benefit or to sabotage clan efforts.

    6. Trolls: Participants who engage in disruptive behavior, seeking to provoke others for their own amusement.

    Advice: if you get triggered easily by a game, it usually means you are taking it too seriously, zoom out, drink a smoothie or water, breathe, and relax, setting yourself in a positivite mindset is key.

    Your fellow Fighter/Reviewer/Trader,
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.