🥀 Elderthorn Equipment Shard Box 🥀

Discussion in 'Events' started by kaw_admin, Feb 26, 2025.

  1. Elderthorn Equipment Shard Box


    Your Majesty, merchants from distant lands have arrived to sell their wares. While most are mere curiosities, we've heard whispers of a special chest that grants access to rare and powerful equipment!

    Legend Details

    To get a legend for Enchanted Equipment:

    - Collect Elderthorn Hauberk, Elderthorn Boots, Elderthorn Staff, and Elderthorn Signet and fully upgrade them for the chance to earn an Enchanted Elderthorn Boots
    - Collect Elderthorn Helmet, Elderthorn Gauntlets, and Elderthorn Bracers and fully upgrade them for the chance to earn an Enchanted Elderthorn Helmet!
    - Collect Elderthorn Greaves, Elderthorn Pauldrons, Elderthorn Vine Whip, and Elderthorn Familiar and fully upgrade them for the chance to earn an Enchanted Elderthorn Vine Whip

    Elderthorn Equipment

    From now until Mar 12th at 11am PST, you can purchase the Elderthorn Chest in the Marketplace with Gold.
    Elderthorn Chest is opened using Nobility Points and give shards that can be traded with other players or exchanged for 1 of 11 powerful upgradeable equipment pieces.

    You can exchange shards for equipment until April 2nd at 12pm PST

    🏹Special Offers in the Web Store🎁

    Check out the web store for new deals appearing weekly!

    #1 kaw_admin, Feb 26, 2025
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2025 at 7:16 PM
  2. 1% at lvl 10 all slots

    whip (off hand) boots helm are 1.5 legends

    ring loses stats on upgrading lvls
  3. fix legends glitch plz.
    BuLL-SharK likes this.
  4. Should have specify equipment stats/% so we know if it is worth purchasing nobs to open Elderthon chest?
  5. Not worth it. Looking at stats it’s 100% not worth buying 160$ worth of chests. The stats are barely better than event eqp that’s free. This is just a money grab.