Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ATOMIC-TIGER, Dec 30, 2010.


    I would advise this building because it gives both attacking untied and defence units witch I think is important for a starter, consistency! 

    Spy guild
    To not be beaten by soya I would by a spy guild so you would be protected by spies! An other good thing about these is that if u succeed in your attack the enemy won't know who performed it! 

    I would advise upgrading all buildings to level 3 to make full use of all explored lands! 

    The Cathedral
    This build is a great build for defensive usage at this level! It is at it's best at level 3, because it gives it's maximum defence here even though it is a bit pricey 

    Archer Builds
    These are a consistent build that looks great at level 3! It's great for usage in war and helps give soldiers towards your kingdom!
    +I may also consider putting money into allies at this point to give u the edge over other mid growing kingdoms!

    To you I would advise the elemental because it is very constant so it would make you a force not to be messed with! This build gives a strong army a range of strengths and no real weaknesses on the attacking side of things 

    Spy guild upgrades
    Now is when I would fully upgrade your spy guilds to have a strong spy army that could both defend and attack any average kingdom easily! 
    Over and out SABBER 
  2. This is all advice for the first 5 lands. Don't build archer buildIngs cause they look good. Build pure beastiaries or Forges with one bestowed.
  3. Bestiary, not bestowed.
  4. iG gets lvl 4 foundries and super forges as well as up to lvl 5 castle which gives you 1 bil for each lvl you upgrade too. Just wall xBattousaix and ask to join and see for yourself. FYI: iG also has music in clan chat.
  5. I heard of that what do u listen to