 H A N S E L 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SwiftWarrior, Oct 24, 2012.

  1.  Hey! SwiftWarrior here! I am going hansel! I know that I am going to have to covert at one point, but I don't know when to?

     Should I covert my bestiaries all at once? SOS first or straight to volairies? Should I convert my beastairy to CoE first? Any tips? Thanks for your help!

  2. Convert all but one beastiary to level 3 guilds, after upgrade one by one to level 4,
    Continue exploring lands and puttin level 4 guilds until ya have 4-5 highlands...

    Make sure you have max plunder the whole time.
  3. Once your land proces exceed the cost of a max lvl CoE then do the upgrade for your beastiary.

    Then keep with the guilds until lands exceed price of a T5 balanced building, convert a HL to that. If CoE on LL then convert it to guild.

    At this point you can choose to convert guilds in HL to volaries or do your lowlands SoS. Save up and do it one by one, plunder drop is negligible with bonus increase on eb's and steal strength on players.
  4. If you want land really fast put up all level 3 guilds the slowly convert to level 4 then just keep exploring and putting up guilds . The stats are bad but you make the most gold
  5. Don't build SOS. Keep buying lands and putting up L4 spy guilds until you have min 40 lands. Your att build should be cf, best for plunder. Convert hl to vols, all l1, all l2 etc. once you're land complete and all l3 vols on hl then build SOS on ll if t5 not released on ll. SOS murder you plunder potential so avoid them for as long as possible