Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llllllllRE--j--ECTlllllll, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. So somebody has been volleying up shity players to be worth 11 trill and they did that with 19 ppl there r all on the leaders board over prices cause they r worth more than anybody else but crimson cloak
  2. Ok..ok...yes..hmmm

    Ok...yep...of course,..

    Anyway I once had a fight with a Russian midget...

    And yes...he won....
  3. I need to take a **it
  4. U not even close to top 10000 why do u care about leader board beside u ain't going to be there maybe let me think....never
  5. Can you explain why you're agitated? Tourist..
  6. It is used for transfering money from one account to another. Nothing to be butthurt about. 
  7. So? It's not like you would ever get on the value lb anyways. It doesn't affect you so idk why you're pissed off.
  8. I'm pissed!
  9. The accounts that have been vollied so high are from LB players transferring gold from 1 account to the other account.
  10. It's not fair that only crimson star is best at being valuable I'm more active than him
  11. Fair is what you pay the bus driver
  12. Assassin, you just made yourself look extremely dumb. It's not "being mire valuable" because you can't be more valuable. The value leaderboard (which is unnecessary, IMO) shows who costs the most.
  13. Based on your stats, you are nowhere close to "CrimsonStar" like you said and you are most likely less active than him.
  14. LOL rage.

    Crim is also not a dude.
  15. Better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on !
  16. it's because of those lame asses with to much money buying nobility and buying LB accounts and transferring the wealth from them into their main.

    spending tens of thousands on kaw = retarded
  17. Shifter - it's "fare". 

    Chuckle 
  18. Excused me who's crimson Cloak?