Warlor is being held Hostage

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 17, 2013.

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  1. Lots of people want to join the strong EE war clans but they are proving hard nuts to crack. Some just cry and beg on some admins wall. iprophet, on the other hand, has come up with a more unique approach.

    Take a gander at these screenshots.


    After seeing Val totally cave into yafi after the strip, iprophet decided to muscle himself and some 46n2 clanmates into WHH by threatening a 100Tril strip of the whole clan. Of course if he had made such a threat to a hardened osw clan like Zaft, they would have died laughing, but who are we kidding, this is a former EB/ EE clan, where nothing matters more than those gotta-have-em mithril, even clan loyalty. As a result he and his clanmates are getting preferred treatment while warlor perms are forced to sit out EE wars.

    Personally, I find this all to be hilarious. Kudos to iprophet for putting those EE "warriors" in their place.

    Warlor, if you guys have any self respect left, grow a pair, call this guy on his bluff and get farming. I doubt anyone would ever take you seriously otherwise.
  2. Sorry. Ss in the wrong order.
  3. Isn't iprophet the one that got smacked around by banks anonymous
  4. Look what clan I'm in dip ****
  5. I remember a couple months back with ggw
  6. This is what a month old? Lol you're embarrassing yourself Phil.
  7. I know what clan you are in.
  8. Who is iprophet anyway?
  9. How did you get in there is the question.
  10. Lol. Val Didn't Run. 
  11. Some noob that Phil worships
  12. No need to get testy here iprophet. You muscled your way into a clan too scared to stand up for themselves. I don't see how you did anything wrong. On the contrary, I applaud you.
  13. I applied.

    That was simple. Great investigative reporting
  14. Wow this is actually interesting....respect to IProphet for doing this 
  15. You don't have a clue what happen lol

    You're just making another desperate cry for attention.

    Didn't you know valor is my alt?
  16. Proph, most people wont get that joke, but i got it :lol:
  17. @ worm. Different Val
  18. Lmfao! 
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