Valuable lessons learned during the PvP Promo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Hello mates! I hope you all enjoyed the PVP event. I had a great time I was happy to get into the top 500. Unfortunately the only way I can get there was to do some despicable things. Basically, I weaseled my way in there. Alas, this was partially due to me being unaware of certain rules involved in the PVP event. Perhaps you too were unaware of these rules, so I made this thread help enlighten us all. Hope you enjoy.

    [I smudged out the names of the people because,while what they said was incredibly funny, it is not my style to drag names through the forms.]

    Rule #1: don't smack anybody more than five times during a PVP event.

    While hitting off the battle list, I came across a dude with this banner:

    I couldn't quite figure out what he meant, so I figured I better smack him a bit to find out. This prompted him to post the following messages on my wall.

    He also followed me in pm, and gave me a long, stern lecture about how I have dishonored myself and my clan. I hadn't been lectured to so harshly since the principal caught me feeling up a cheerleader behind the school gym in the 10th grade.I really took his words to heart, and found I couldn't farm anyone after that for a good 10 minutes.

    Rule #2: bigger builds are never ever ever ever supposed to hit smaller ones.


    Look at this pm:

    Sorry but I have a hard time excepting this rule. Why is it that smaller builds think they should be immune to bigger builds? What are we supposed to do? Farm Redstar all day?

    Why do I farm smaller builds? Simple, stupid, because I can. If you don't like bigger builds hitting you, here's the solution: grow. But don't go around lecturing bigger builds about how they are wimps for hitting smaller ones. It's not my fault I'm better at this game or richer than you are. Stop being so cheap and buy some sods and xstals every so often.

    Rule #3: buying allies off of pure spies is an act of pure evil.

    On the second day of the competition I was given a sword, which immediately attracted two hansels and one ps trying to mooch it off. They didn't get it, but they forced me to play from pin the entire evening. I got my revenge, however. One of the hansels was smaller and incompetent at pinning his troops, so I ended up skimming hundreds of shards off of him whenever I needed to hit from pin. The other was a huge hansel who knew how to keep his troops pinned, so I had no choice but to duck for cover. Unfortunately, however, he was in a clan that had the country name in its title. I just waited until that time zone was in the middle of the night, and then farmed all his shards off of him. He gave up shard hunting after that.

    However the most fun I had was with the pure spy who was trying to hit me. For some odd reason this spy had about 100 billion in small unhidden allies between the 6 billion an 8 million range. They weren't reset bombs either; they were good-sized for their price. Therefore I decided to hire one off and burn two crystals on him. The gold I made with the plunder bonus more than made up the cost of the ally. And I got lots and lots of shards as well. This prompted him to hide his allies and make the following angry-face banner:
    Unfortunately for him however, I had already blocked all of his allies so I could buy one whenever I wanted. I waited a couple of hours and bought an ally and farmed him again, draining the last of his shards. He then impulsively dropped all the rest of his allies and made the following "I'm really butthurt but I'll use laughing emoji to look like I'm not" banner:

    He is now apparently trying to "teach me a lesson". However I think I got the last laugh, it's not like one small pure spy with no allies is going to do much harm to me anyway.

    Well there are some of my funnier happenings during the PvP promo for you to read. Please write about your own little cute experiences you had during this event. ️
  2. Noted for next event.

    Thank you 

  3. I have to say Frog was tough to steal.. Good equip mix during pvp.. 
  4. What i learned from promo:

    Not to be an SH lb that beats the crap out of kotfe, veritas, instinct, and lr because everyone will complain you're botting and getting through and the devs will perma ban.
  5. High5 op lol I must say frog when you make a thread it should be stickied
  6. Why'd you show our PM???
  7. Thanks for sharing the lessons 
  8. ain't you AJ.
  9. Quality post bullfrog, good on ya for not showin' the names too. Takes the big klahonas to resist such temptation.

  10. Thanks. I have big klahonas.
  11. What I learnt?

    Me unloading every 10mins means I'm botting. :lol:
  12. I have learned that people love to smack talk, like an idiot.
  13. More notice of PvP event would be great, would love the intrigue and anguish of certain accounts (ps) wondering....did they screen shot my allies or not?
  14. i got a pm that stated my actions have been ss'd and taken to there council. it was only a matter of time until i was stripped.
    im guessing they assumed this event wasnt a competitive type of thing

    different person, same clan, different day.
    outed me in wc for having a sword. fair enough, but including i was a lowly coward and hide in pin non stop was a tad rude. Considering i was receiving inc at such a rate that the thought of xtaling was a joke.
    but next time, ill just hand out my shards like candy on Halloween.

    same clan, different person...yeah i know, last day.
    a bunch of late hits that where conveniently followed with a prompt apology. really?
    whatever, i miss sleeping.

    so... i learned ?? i think,

    -five hit rule, check
    -no hitting from pin, check
    -apologies makes it ok, check

    i do hope i now know enough so i can utterly fail in up coming events. thanks "you know who y'all are" for the info.
  15. Yeah, people are quick to throw around the botting label. Personally I had no trouble stealing from you. You were one of my biggest sources of shards in the final hours of the promo.
  16. I didn't ss. I blocked dozens of ps allies and opened them up at my convenience. Downside of that is I got a couple of them still smacking me around after the promo. 
  17. Nice thread frog.Wish I had been here to participate
  18. Yeah I passed out past 2 hours due to extreme exhaustion, my 6 alarms didn't even get close to waking me up. :lol: