
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Oreolover, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Over this forum we will go over the following:what plunder is, how to raise plunder, and what max plunder is.

    Chapter 1 What is plunder?

    Plunder is a bonus amount of gold you get from attacks, aka the higher plunder you have=the more gold you get=more you can build!

    Chapter 2 how to raise plunder

    You raise your plunder by upgrading and building better buildings. !WARNING SOME BUILDINGS ALLOW YOU TO HIT HIGHER EBS BUT LOWER YOUR PLUNDER!
    do not leave yet their is a catch

    Final chapterhow to get max plunder!

    You get max plunder by upgrading buildings. Here is the catch! You need an ally before your plunder can go up and enable you to get plunder to max!
    Easy way to get max plunder for new ppl ask for a volley unlock 6 lands build 6 beastanries and 2 guilds get all at lvl 2 then buy a good ally with rest of money then use the money from the next 3 ebs on allys

    Hope this help some ppl with plunder

    Note to mods: plz don't lock this I posted so it would be in the top in active so ppl could look at it in active forums and not look 10 pages for one thank you for your understanding 
  2. There is already a stickied guide and it is much better. Next time check before making one. Nice try though.
  3. Oh and btw, it will be locked ;)
  4. This isn't detailed enough for someone just starting.

    As for knowledgeable wandering around the forums, this is badly formatted, a guide about something obvious, and poorly worded. I'm not sure how to say this other than rubbish.

    Learn something interesting and learn it well before making a guide on the forums.
  5. That was terrible.
  6. Wow some REALLY long chapters you got there. Might take me a while to read it.
  7. This isn't even right!
  8. A lock I haz for you!
  9. My brain. This sucks. Learn a little before making spam threads.

    And it'll be locked soon :)
  10. Chill yea? This persons put in the time and effort to something they felt was constructive for the community. Sure it's not the best. Sure it's been made before. But gratz on the effort you know? How do you expect new and good forumers to emerge if you run even those who show promise down?
  11. This is too messy, incomplete and has incorrect information. In addition, there's already a much better thread on the topic in strategy stickies.
    OP saves yourself from trolling, request a lock.
  12. I don't know if spam...

    Or just stupid.