King Deltas beginners guide to lowlands

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Sorry if this is not very good,
    this is my first guide so constructive criticism is helpful for me

    WC - World Chat
    CC - Clan Chat
    CA - Clan Announcement 

    Volley - a volley is when two or more people hire you multiple times
    Dropping - when someone drops their ally it means they have "sold" it to get a certain amount of money back, please note that this is less effective than selling an ally/ your ally being bought by someone else
    Drop Volley (very rare now and will probably never be used) - when A person hires you then drops you continuously (until he/she runs out of money) to give you money

    Mill - a million gold
    Bill - a billion gold

    Health crystals - you can win health crystals from quests or purchase them (real money) and they regenerate all of you soldiers and spies immediately
    Nobility - nobility can either regenerate your troops for 10 nobility or give you gold for 15 nobility but you usually have to purchase it with real money because it is very hard to win in quests

    The oracle (located near the top of the screen after you have clicked on the marketplace)- a place where you can purchase nobility, health crystals or items; the items cost real money
    The Marketplace - a place where you can buy pots or speakers
    Pots - potions that can aid in attack/Defense/spy attack/spy defense

    EB - Epic Battle
    SW - System War
    OSW - Off System War

    Now you have completed the tutorial, the FIRST thing that you must do is go on to WC and ask for a volley to
    5-10bill; The best thing to say is: please volley me I just started :) thanks
    And DON'T spam.

    Now wait until the volley has finished, by then you could have anything between 50-100mill,

    Keep your guild,

    Then buy NINE lands and build 4 forges, upgrade them all to lvl 3, with your remaining money go to the marketplace and buy as many 'sleeping potion as you can'

    Now go onto WC again and ask for a clan that has just started 'To the chamber' and if someone says they have, join their clan and click on the EB and click attack and scroll down to items, click it and then click on your item; sleeping potion attack and then press the repeat action button until it comes up with 'action would have no effect' now you can either log off or attack the eb: attacking will not earn you that much more money at this stage,

    Once the eb has finished you should have 600-800 mill, with this upgrade your guild to lvl 3 and build lvl 3 forges on the rest of your lands,

    (When you have done this start to attack and steal in the eb)

    Now repeat this process until you have 15 lands,
    Your build should be like this:
    1 lvl 1 castle
    1 lvl 3 guild
    13 lvl 3 forges

    Now your lands are slightly more expensive so you will be looking to earn more in an attack, do one more to the chamber and then buy an ally with the bonus,

    The next time you attack something you will notice that you earn more money: instead of 1 mill a hit you will earn 2 mill first hit and 1 mill last hit:
    This is because of ally bonus and keep doing to the chamber until you have around 3 bill in allies: (should only take a couple of days with the item stage) because this will give you max plunder; the highest amount of gold you can earn each hit

    Now continue exploring until you have 20 lands, build lvl 3 forges on each.

    Now you can take two routes; hansel or attack build.

    I prefer hansel as it is quicker for me so I will explain it that way;

    Save up from doing To the chamber and take down one forge and build a war aviary; 1.33 bill but it should be easy with the item stage and the attacks,

    Now you should have:
    1 lvl 1 castle
    1 lvl 3 guild
    1 lvl 3 war aviary
    17 lvl 3 forges

    Now continue doing the EB and convert all of your forges to lvl 3 guilds.

    When you have done this you should have:
    1 lvl 1 castle
    1 lvl 3 war aviary
    18 lvl 3 guilds

    Now you must stop growing (for a bit) and buy another 3-4 bill in allies as this will make sure you don't have to stop and start during the next stage to get max plunder.

    Now you start doing the EB 'Ambush' as you can always hit it, you should do it like this:
    Only attack when you can only see the red bar at the top and not when there are any titans in the middle, do one/two unloads (assassinate and attack the EB with all of your troops)
    And then at the end steal the gemstones and attack. This should earn you well over a bill each EB

    Now the 'long part' upgrade your guilds to lvl 4: 900mill one at a time, it will seem slow at first but it will get a lot quicker as you have more lvl 4 guilds,

    Now when you have done this you should have:
    1 lvl 1 castle
    1 lvl 3 war aviary
    18 lvl 4 guilds

    Now you should have around 500k combined stats,

    The last part is the simplest as all you have to do is buy lands and put lvl 4 guilds on them, when you have done this and have 25 lands upgrade your castle to lvl 2,

    And there you go :)

    You can now either convert to attack, pure spy, hybrid (a couple of attack building and the rest spy) or stay as hansel but this is your choice depending on your preferred playing style.

    This can take from a week to 4 weeks depending on how active you are but even if you aren't very active at all you should have finished lowlands in 4 weeks

    Sorry for any mistakes :)

    There may be a guide on highlands once I have explored a bit more

    Thanks for your time :)

  2. Can I have any feedback on whether this is good or bad?? :) thanks
  3. Yep, nobility is not hard to find in quests, ive got 20 of them in 2 days
  4. Apart from that, its all great
  5. Looks like you put a lot of effort into this
  6. Not bad. Maybe put a bit more detail in, and less emoji (for the PC users) and BBCodes! Colors and sizes can do a lot to a thread!
    If your unfamiliar with colors and sizes, there is a stickied guide in the Off Topic section, created by Dillybar I believe :)
  7. You make more money using bribery gems on Forgotten Ones. To The Chamber pays horribly. With a small volley a brand new player should never have to hit tier 1 epic battles.
  8. Great, this will be really helpful to subclans and smaller players everywhere
  9. Build bestiaries and no one gets 800 mil from Chamber they get like 100 max. Even if you do the whole item phase by your self you only get (after sleeping potions expenses) between 100 and 250 mil!
  10. I got 700mill with attacks an items with the 4 forges so it worked for me
  11. It's pretty good.

    Nice one mate
  12. You wrote "To the Chambre" use sleeping potion, "To the Chambre" doesn't need the pot sleeping potion. The Depraved does need them though.
  13. Soz for any mistakes :/ if I get on pc I'll correct it
  14. To the chamber uses mist of confusion but other than that
  15. TFO items gives better bonus plus it pays out better per hit
  16. I reckon its a great guide just need more detail and less emoji 