How much Gold do you make in a day... How do you do it 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by II____SICARIO___II, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. So let's sort the Men from the boys ... The Women from the girls... Who makes the most and how do they do it (besides be an eb noob :p)

    Do you volley all money to one account, do you trade, do you have a personal system to maximise your plunder... ??

    It's time to brag money bags 
  2.  I use the force 
  3. I make maybe 20bil a day, I mash skellies all day heheh
  4. I make close to 12b a day doing 2 ebs (both origins) all i do is hit the eb with both spy and att. And get in about 300-600 items on the last phase
  5. A big fat 1.9999999
  6. I was kidding when I said I make 0 gold.
  7. Why would we give up our secrets? ;)
  8. 900 Bil and i ally trade. lol jkjk
  9. I make 8 new allies a day.

    ☯☯Hire Allies☯☯Taken from BULLIES☯HIRE two saves a NewB☯

    1. Make sure you have a free land
    2. Make sure that land is in the lowlands
    3. Build a stable
    4. Upgrade it ONCE. No more.
    5. Upgrade it again.
    6. Tear it down.
    7. Repeat steps 1-7.
  11. If im active like crazy about 25 bil.

    But I make 15-20 Bil on average
  12. About the same as pepsi
  13. I play off and on all day. I unload on average 2 to 3 per eB. I make about 8-13 b a day. Haunting of course
  14. With some spy attacks on big hitters with no spy def
  15. I sell crystal meth and get about 500 bucks a day