So let's sort the Men from the boys ... The Women from the girls... Who makes the most and how do they do it (besides be an eb noob ) Do you volley all money to one account, do you trade, do you have a personal system to maximise your plunder... ?? It's time to brag money bags
I make close to 12b a day doing 2 ebs (both origins) all i do is hit the eb with both spy and att. And get in about 300-600 items on the last phase
STEPS TO ENSURE MAX GOLD GAIN: 1. Make sure you have a free land 2. Make sure that land is in the lowlands 3. Build a stable 4. Upgrade it ONCE. No more. 5. Upgrade it again. 6. Tear it down. 7. Repeat steps 1-7.
I play off and on all day. I unload on average 2 to 3 per eB. I make about 8-13 b a day. Haunting of course