I have a genre and some characters already and a possible title but need some plot ideas. Please help if you can. Characters: Carmine Merikallawaven Liara Mitharia: Elven Flare Lithenar: Dwaven Serena Karinia: Elven Solin Pyro: Elven Atheria Istharia: Elven Thyara Ixmarithal: Dwaven Genre: Fiction Possible Title: The Ring of Power If you have any other possible titles let me know. No humans are left. They died in the battle against the orcs and other creatures under the command of The master of the ring of power.
Sounds like a bad lotr fan fic but how bout the dwarves and elves are going on a quest to find the last humans er something maybe raise a shire or two
Well an obvious idea based on your ring theme, would be to add a fellowship, mordor, orcs, schitzo slimy thing and a wizard. Gl making a decent story with those ideas though