Surprised how many cutie wittle nooblets dont know abt max plunder. So I shall shed some light in a public service announcement. Buy Allies. Youll make more money per hit. AKA grow way faster. This is for attack builds only. Okay in a few I'll add some data unless any techies beat me to it.
Re: PSA Max Plunder for Nooblets More Allies = More Money More Money = More Happy Noobs More Happy Noobs = Less Annoying Noobs Less Annoying Noobs = Happy Me
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Many noobs ask to be hired. The most you'll make off a hire is 1 million... ever. However when you max out your allies, you'll make way more than this per hit as you grow. For example, I'm fully built now with max plunder and I make over 8 million per hit - just off my Ally Bonus - when I hit people near my size, such as my great buddy fghhgg. As he pays well when I hit him, I also make nearly 5 million in regular plunder, earning me well over 12 million per hit. Thanks fg! I have reached my max plunder - meaning I have enough allies to earn the maximum Ally Bonus $ when I hit a target. When starting out (aka being a nooblet like you are), it's better to have many smaller allies than a few larger ones - you'll reach your max plunder much more quickly. Work your way up to 245 million plunder allies. It's a little hot spot with great values. Buy the ones with the best stats you can so that they sell quickly, earning you a profit. It's like a business you can have on the side, many times making as much money or more than attacking. Also, your build will dictate how much you make per hit as well. But that shall be saved for future advanced threads. None of this applies to full spy builds. Spies take a lot longer to grow - many land complete first with forges, then turn to spies. BTW, there is a LOT of info in the strategy section of the forums. Read up. =) If this thread helps you, bump it for another noob.
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Summy best way to grow as spy is a forge. Keep at max plunder and don't sell allies to upgrade. If you have around 1-2b in allies then you will be getting like 5m max plunder. 85 troops a hit for 2000 troops is about 24 hits or 120 mil an unload. Got LCBC in a lil less than a month this way!!
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets noobs, note that bigger or smaller allies do not make a difference. Max plunder depends on the $ amount your allies add upto. If you are at lvl 1 or 2 in game, it's easier to just buy big allies with bad stats. When you get to level 3 in game, then you can start trading allies, assuming you are already at max plunder. Also, if you decide to hit a player with 10 defense pots, then you'll likely be needing 10 attk pots for a victory. I.e if you made 12m per hit and used all pots (12m) then you just wasted your troops. Btw.. The plunder listed on your ally is not what you will recieve, that's the plunder if you could hit the strongest player possible.
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Attack pots help ensure more wins as well and are helpful when u grow more. It starts becoming more fun to mess with people than earn money sometimes but you gotta balance it out by replenishing your pots. Defense pots are expensive but a great investment as many people will stop visiting you if they know you have them... They just want easy money. Trying to think back... Nowadays I often use all 10 attack pots with most hits because I actually hit real people. More fun Many people find inactive accounts (by checking walls that so not have recent activity) and farm them nonstop, meaning just attacking as much as they want over the 5 hit "courtesy" limit most people honor.... Or they hit created farms for easy wins- usually pure spy builds that someone replenishes with money. Gets boring but makes more cash. Experienced clans often offer these. So find your balance of fighting and making cash. Buy allies and grow in strength. Also, never sell your allies enough to go under max plunder or you are wasting time. This max plunder concept applies to anyone with any attack building who is not a full spy build. People keep asking me questions via my wall or ally chat... Pls ask here so others may learn the answers as well. Enjoy
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets ... And now you get to say, "Read my post on the forums! Nooblet!" sumsette
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets exacary =P hiii Scripted! <3 Okay - latest response from a new player was "I don't wanna buy allies, they just get bought away anyways". Read above and hopefully that explains it but key points are: 1. you make profit so just reinvest in a new ally with your higher amount of plunder with the best stats you can find. 2. if you get lazy ally shopping, but one with lesser stats which is less often bought away 3. spread out your plunder across multiple allies so if one or two get bought away it doesn't make a huge difference. this also makes it harder for those who may want to strip you to know how much they'd have to invest to do it. tiny allies are a good deterrent for that as people get lazy of buying those off you. 4. if you dont have allies, you make hardly anything when you hit. it will take you forever to grow. much easier to invest in allies consistently than to make up for the difference in quantity of attacks due to the lack of max plunder. =)
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets every time i buy ally someone just buy from me then no ally i have is mine so i can have to buy a different ally then someone buys that ally and i no have ally again. i give up.. volley me please!
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Jk sum great post All you new players max your plunder, build your stats, and you won't ever have to ask for hires again
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Hi All, I juz started playing this and was reading up on the various posts. I was wondering which would give better plunder? 100 allies worth $10k each (or) 10 allies worth $100k each Thank you in advance. =)
Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets Watt3, some of the info provided by sumsette is incorrect. You'd get the same plunder. Bonus plunder depends on 2 things, your total $ in allies and your ally bonus strength difference relative to your opponent. So techincally, if you had bigger allies, you'd get less ally bonus stats but a higher ally bonus plunder in battle. Opposite of what was stated earlier by the author of this thread. However, in the beggining, Its best if you buy big overpriced allies, they wouldn't be hired away easily. Therefore, you wouldn't need to spend time buying/selling allies at that level, while you maintain your max bonus plunder. And lol.. Yea there's a major math fail in this thread. Sumsette, You get 12m a hit from fg, which requires all 10 pots adding upto 12m. 12m-12m=0 So..actually you make close to nothing.