WARNING! This will mostly only work if you only just started or are relatively new. Okay well since this is my first ill give it my best. Introduction •Getting started Builds •What to build and how to build Allies •Getting to max plunder •The key fundamental idea of them Clans and Clan warfare •Who to join •And what to do in a war INTRODUCTION Ok. Well here we go. If your starting out the alleged easy way to grow is to beg on wc. I say no. If your going to ask for a volley or hire create a forum so that you get off wc. Or if your just too lazy. Just post and annoy everyone. Quests are a brilliant idea for a while. Use them. They provide good money at the start of the game (You won't need to use them at all when you get bigger stats) quests are good when you are waiting for an osf to open but that's about it. But, getting volleyed to 1 bil is a good idea. It allows you to gain money sufficient money to start off. After being volleyed you probably have say 30-40 mil if taken to one bil, invest this money in forges. Take them up to lvl 3. Now you should have some decent stats. BUILDINGS Ok. Now you have 30 mil. If you haven't already read above. You want to go pure attack, I suggest building forges. Take each one to level 3 and repeat. The downside to this is your open for spies. Your a sitting duck. My advice is this: MIXING IT UP Don't be boring everyone likes a little bit of a mix and match. Ok. (I say ok a lot ok?) This is only really worth it when you are getting bout 10 million a hit. You need to have 900 mil, once you have this, buy some land and invest in a guild and take it straight to level four. These builds are great for plunder they offer some what $432 k extra plunder for each guild. I myself have four. Each guild offers 13 k stat and gives 9000 spies. This is a great way to win wars to assassinate and scout opponents before hitting to weaken and see chance of victory. PURE SPY These back in the day were bliss they could raid and assassinate for their pure build team mates. The easiest way to achieve this is to fill up your lands with forges and slowly convert each one to lvl 4 guild. This build is quite affective still, but I myself prefer the combined spy and attack. ALLIES These are like God to Jesus, Bees to Honey and Petrol to a Car. You NEED them. I cannot stress enough I mean I went for ages with no allies and made 3 mil a hit. Now I'm making 24 mil off a LCBC osf (Land Complete Build Complete Open Spy farm). The way I started out was if you have 200 k combined you want to start buy investing in 10-15 60 mil allies. If that isn't enough keep buying allies till your plunder doesn't move. That's the basic idea not just to give you an extra stat bonus all though that is quite nice. If you are say 50 k combined I say just keep buying 1-6 mil allies and do the same. CLANS AND CLAN WARFARE Clans. You need one. When you start of i suggest looking on leader board and start to view the top fifty alliances. Look at them and most will have a sub clan. Join it. These clans are the fastest way to grow. But please don't spam. Just ask nicely. Maybe they'll let you in. Once your in start making friends and ask about what to do. WARFARE Well in the shall we say 'old KaW' these were vital but nowadays they are rare. Your most likely to find a pwar. So I'm going to explain them both. Pwar or PW Essentially they mean the same. Plunder war. These infectious 'wars' have been around for a few months now. If you join a pwar always check banner for opens. These normally look like (XXXX) or some other emoji. Unload on the osf in banner and post ty in cc. Keep repeating through out war but do not hit any osfs that aren't yours. This can get you in some serious poo. These are a quick way to get money REAL WAR! Real wars. These beauties have been around for 6-12 months now (Correct me if I'm wrong). Essentially it's two teams fighting for money. Each side start the war, and one comes out victorious. To prepare for war I suggest buying a lot of pots. I have a couple of hundred. Do not go active in war till It starts, this will mean when you become active you won't be pinned constantly. This tactic is good use it. At the end of the war don't sell your pots, if you win you should get some money back because, of the slice of war tax you received. Use it wisely. Ok. Well that was Haz's Guide to Glory. Hope you use it guys. It was my first and I'm proud of it good luck my friends. -Haz
Making a "hire me" thread is the worst thing you could do. Just because of that, I say this guide is crap.
And volleying with your "volley money" will generate enough cash that you can reach 100k stats in less then a day. Then you can at least just look for wc opens, or join a clan with a clan osf. I say no to pwars, cuz they really ruin the game.
NO I haven't, except as jokes mocking the little people when I'm already expensive. I got a CLAN. btw I believe you meant hypocrisy*