3 Builds - Hansel, Spy, Attack WTF of a thread is this This is to show how to become spy, hansel, or attack build. T3 of course. T4 version comes soon . Ok, to have the right use of this guide, you need: •A clan to be in. Not yours. This is optional, as you can just jump from F/PW to F/PW. •Either inactive accounts to farm or OSFs. Anything similar to a punching bag that doesn't hit back •Friends. Yes. Friends. Anyone that can lend a hand if any of the above elements needed is missing Well, this guide is supposing if you have around, 200K combined? Ok. With the amount of F/PWs existing at the moment it'll be way easy trust me Step 1 - Allies The first thing you focus at as you break the 200K combined stats is… allies. Allies. Nothing else. If you farm inactives: Hit them twice each 5 minutes, and with the money from both hits, buy an ally. Expecting it'll be rebought, re-buy any ally before you totally regen. Rinse and repeat. If you farm OSFs: Totally unload on OSF, use money in one ally, repeat once regened. Hmm... Seems like more work with inactives . Well, that'll take you a couple of days to max plunder. How To Know if I Maxed Plunder Ok, you're getting good Money now. Attack inactive/OSF once, hire ally, repeat. Only 2 attacks made in process. If ally plunder changes, keep hiring allies until it stops at a certain number. I'm talking about, ALLY PLUNDER Not PLUNDER BONUS. Step 2 - Buildings
Step 2 - Buildings & Upgrades Hmm. I'll divide this section. •If you want to become an ATTACK BUILDING type, scroll a little bit until where it says Attack. •If you want to become a HANSEL BUILDING type, scroll to the middle, where it says Hansel. •If you want to become a SPY BUILDING type, scroll all the way down to Spy. Attack Nice. So you chose attack build…. Well, in this case, keep upgrading. Once you bought the 1,200,000,000 land, start building T3s. For each T3 building, (Aviary, Circles, Subs.) you build, also hire a 150m ally extra to all the allies you used to have. By the way, once those lands are all done, buy the 1.5B land, repeat. Do this with all lands. Check every time to see if you're max plunder. Keep doing this until… you're BC! May take a while… but if you're active and play KaW enough, will be a very easy task to achieve. Hansel Hmm… my favorite building type . To become a hansel build, start swapping all your (forges, bestiaries, cathedrals) for guilds lv.3. Save up 78M, then buy and upgrade. Hire a 150m ally for each guild you swap. You must leave out one attack building, and keep all allies. Allies are your source of money. Without them, you're just a spy with an attack building. Do this until you buy the 900,000,000 land. Start upgrading each guild to lv.4, adding a 100m ally for each guild upgraded. By the way, once those lands are all done, buy the 1.2B land, repeat. Do this with all lands. Check every time to see if you're max plunder. Repeat, repeat, repeat, ok. You're almost BC T3. At this stage you have, 23 guilds lv.4, and one attack building T2. Swap that attack building for a T3 one and receive your BC T3 Trophy. Spy Um... Commonly known as, OSF, or, sometimes "assassins"… To become a spy build, start swapping all your (forges, bestiaries, cathedrals) for guilds lv.3. Save up 78M, then buy and upgrade. Hire a 150m ally for each guild you swap. You must leave out one attack building, and keep all allies. Allies are your source of money. Without them, you're just a spy with an attack building. Do this until you buy the 900,000,000 land. Start upgrading each guild to lv.4, adding a 100m ally for each guild upgraded. By the way, once those lands are all done, buy the 1.2B land, repeat. Do this with all lands. Check every time to see if you're max plunder. Repeat, repeat, repeat, ok. You're almost BC T3. At this stage you have, 23 guilds lv.4, and one attack building T2. Swap that attack building for a guild lv.4, ask a friend to help you hire your cheapy allies, or drop them, and, bank that money however you want. Just not spy potions. Now, you're officially a T3 Spybuild. Commonly Asked Questions When must I buy def. potions As soon as you reach the 350K combined, get around 75 of all defense potions. Once you BC, you must have around 300 of each. Even the last 6M defense one. For wars, stock up with over 700 each. Your preference. Can't I Keep Allies As Spy If you want to be farmed of them, yes. If you're a common assassin type spy, don't even think about it. Do I reset after I LC hmmm... Do you want to get the bonuses? It depends. I personally haven't reset all 4 times, just once. Make sure you have a high determination if you want to get all the reset permanent bonuses. What's a PW A PW, a plunderwar, is a "war" where one side is made of attackers, and the other side has one OSF. OSF opens throughout the war time. Where does the forfeit come in You heard about FPWs then. Same but at the end, attacker side forfeits so OSF gets taxes to upgrade and stock up in potions. Ok so, I did this guide in iPod, and it finally comes to and end. Hope it could help any player. Choose your KaW building style wisely. -Żęrk