 Castle Lvl 4 Idea 

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _TomCrawley_, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Right we all know Level 3 grants access to the Mage, well it's a simple idea,
    25 highlands or 10 hoarfrost lands to unlock level 4.
    Inside level 4 it gives you two options, either to decrease every regen by 10 seconds or to grant the Mage a 10% higher chance of Enchantment Success, I can't find any exploit in this and I believe it would help lots of players and avoid alot of fustration.

    Also I was using 10% and 10 seconds as examples, if you have a better or fairer idea for these percentages, just post below.

    I love feedback, and I apologise if this idea has come up before
  2. Support! How about 10% off buildings/land prices?
  3. If we do that it should be 5% because the last hoarfrost land is 1T that would reduce it dramatically down to 900b where as 5% would reduce it to a reasonable 950b ^^
  4. Support. Why don't a reward be 5% added plunder?
  5. Ok so so far you can choose between 10 seconds off regen, 10% more chance of Enchantment Success, 5% off Land
  6. and 5% more plunder.
  7. 5% more plunder would be nice and so would 5% of lads but the 5% more pluder wouldnt happen the devs wouldnt let it because they'd lose real money because not many ppl would need to spend their money. The 5% off lands might happen if they considered it but the enchantment one would most likely come true if they took it into consideration
  8. Support, this is a great idea! but maybe you should need 25 highlands AND (not or) 10 hoarfrost lands, to make it a little more special when u do get the level 4 castle!
  9. Scorpion plz look at my ideas i cant get it on the active topics list at all :( and id like atleast Moose to look at my ideas.
  10. I also believe that the regeneration would maybe be taken in consideration by the devs but i still think the enchantment would be favored by them if they took your ideas for the Castle Lv4 upgrade.
  11. Fair enough, how do you bump to active topics board?
  12. Posts in the 'Ideas and Request' section don't ever go on the active topics board
  13. Oh that makes sense
  14. I agree with 31331, it should be 10% off land
  15. This idea is just as good though
  16. Although I'm not a particular fan of the buffs you brought up in the OP, I think the specialization would be nice.

    Q though - would this be perm? Or can you pay to switch between aspects?
  17. It might be an idea to also implement paying 50b for an aspect change, the same cost as the upgrade itself (which I forgot to mention)
  18. Support. I really like the 10% increase in The Mage. The devs really doesn't want ideas where they can lose money. The 10 second decrease in regen would help players get troops and a bit more money so that would work and the 5% plunder wouldn't hurt either. The Mage would work just great because players would buy inferno and aqua most likely if they know its a higher chances to be successful