Noobs Read This

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Sir_Ingrim (01), Dec 18, 2010.

  1. 1. Do Not Keep Askin For Hires If You Have Not Recently Reset!
    2. Do Quests. Its a quick start on getting easy Health Crystals and nobility
    3. If You Nee vollieng Join A Clan Willing to help you out.
    4. Do Not be Afraid to hit people. It Is Kingdoms At WAR!
    5. If you need extra Cash ooo look there is something called an OSF! People open on World Chat all the time!
    6. Have Fun! It's a game and Asking for hires doesn't always work.
  2. Great job that makes 50 worthless threads of noob haters

    You were a noob once and probably still are
  3. Noobs rnt afraid to hit ppl, most farm cuz they dont kno the rules
  4. Don't ask for hires if you did recently reset. Actually, don't reset at all. There no need to unless you are lc and I have met very few lc noobs.