Why should we allow players like Chongo to grow, when he isn't #1 on allies (so he could always work on THAT) and he also is in the middle of an osw? This idea is stupid, OP.
Lmao no support!! Colony are a butt load of gold anyways , so therefore the t6 buildings would be grande too much
T6 buildings.. No way. The next update will be T5 in the Lowlamds I'm assuming. T6 buildings would cost like. 500bil for one
If t4 is around 3 bill , then why is T5 25 billion ? Think about it , should be 10 billion and T6 should be 25
@Depends; T5 will drop in price as soon as either A) T6 comes out or B) T5 can be placed in Lowlands.
Lmao no, level 1 t5 has more stats than than t4 level 3 if its 10 bil why even build t4 since t4 is more in the long run? Would be a waste of cash.. Your just crazy haha.
No support. Worry about yourself. If Chongo never ask for anything, then why should you ask for him? :lol: