One day a man named bob farted in a nuclear waste plant. (He had eaten beans the night before). His gases mixed with the nuclear waste to make a living fart named Bill. *the main character* That same day Bill said randomly "I'm going to go on a life changing journey!" *The plot of the story* Then he tripped over a bug and smashed his cloudy face inward If you would like to have a full series reply your opinion
Here; Bob was an ordinary mentally retarded person, who one day, creeped in to a Nuclear Power Plant. As Bob had eaten beans the night before, he suddenly farted right on the spot. The fart was so strong that the gas from his ass crack mixed with fumes of Nuclear Gas. Which then, created an amazing thing. So awesome, it was unbelievable...
Listen. Learn how to put certain sentences in defferent ways and use more "capturing" words. Get the reader to be drawn into the story.