Thursdays war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _xllAAllx_DeMoN_xllAAllx_, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. well I know that it's VERY late to be asking, but I just found a our about these wars

    fact is me and my good friend 0331marine, are actively looking for a good war.

    me and him both have LOTS of exp. in war, I understand that a clan would say, "you need towers" or "your Bfe sucks" well I assure you we know how to war just the way we are.


  2. Maybe a better build would make you more attractive warrer for good clans.
  3. Fallow him guys!!
  4. I need a clan too
  5. Don't get him. I warred with him once in We're screwed. He was the mole for the other clan.
  6.  You were threatening me because you're a "war vet" an yet you knew nothing of these? Oh my god, j can't stop laughing :lol:
  7. Damn man.... What's your main op? I know you have one. PM it.
  8. Threatened me too, because he was requesting an apology for a comment I made on drgn's wall. Acted tough at the start, but when I basically told him he could put his apology where the sun don't shine, he changed his tact. Im not apologizing for a joke on a friend wall, and he clearly wanted to chalenge me for it. Some friends saw, and thought they should test out how tough he was. He screen shotted inc and reported it to his clan.

    Oh, and claiming drgn told you to ask for the apology when he didn't, makes you look like a dick head. Just to let you know.
  9. I'll farm him with you Farr 
  10. I am sorry for my behavior ill reset
  11. He threatened me for pointing out to his lovely friend that Haunting wasn't double gold. Got in my pm with,
    "Post an apology now of I'll farm you with my main  not that I will tell you and I'll threaten you every time you say no but never use it "
    I told him I wasn't doing it because I didn't want to, but eventually I said it to her pm because I had been a little bit too strict with what I said to his friend. Apparently he wasn't happy with that, AND his LOVELY little friend proceeded to cuss at me after trying to apologise too!!! In sure your parents would be so proud of you guys :D
  12. Please stop hating on my alt I truly am sorry
  13. Thanks car

    Seems he has a habit of requesting apologies for stupid ****. Wonder if he can back up his mouth with his "main".
  14. I damn hope so. He's got a lot of haters.
  15. Haters gonna hate.

    So will everyone else.
  16. I can't find the fallow button
  17.  Gross misuse of vowels  Anyone have any idea the min max # for the test wars?
  18. Whut are yu talk ebout?