 How to get your post count higher without spamming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Depoon, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. I really hope none of you clicked on this cause that means you actually care about getting your post count higher. Anyway there are 2 main ways to get a higher post count some would argue there are many but there is 2 ways. The way that won't make you the most hated on forums and the way that will

    The first way is simple but many have a problem with it:

    •start intelligent disscussions and debates
    •when people ask questions on threads answer them

    Now the faster and easier way that 49/50 do and get hated for doing:
    •post random emoji
    •kiss ass when a legend enters a thread
    •fail troll every thread you see asking a question
    •post first
    •post cool story bro post pictures
    •post bunchies
    •make threads everytime something weird happens such as you having exactly 1,000,000,000

    As you can see the second choice has many more options and that's why I believe more people do it and before you say you don't care about your post count and this is stupid, just stop lying 9/10 people care and you know it.
  2. *Edit*recent studies actually say 9.5/10 people care.
  3. I click on it  but I was just bored

    "Quality not quantity"
  4. Bravo. Kinda... (option #2 was employed here, this is an example of what not to do.)
  5. Yeah I just realized this is the longest most thought out thread I've ever posted but that's not saying something I never make threads I only post on other ones.
  6. There's another way that relies on people to be as self-centered as yourself. If you make a "post count checking thread," you will end up making half of the posts in it.
  7. Ah forgot that I wish I linked my iPod to comp.
  8. What bugs me is when someone posts on every single thread made (which I admittedly use to do) :3
  9. Clever, J3acon...

    Yes! Another post higher!
  10. Yeah admittedly my imspieration to making this thread was cooldragondudelolz he does all of #2 but a couple and it pisses me off.
  11. @Martyn

    I do that too :p
  12. *inspiration
  13. Omg I'm that .5 seriously I forgot about post count until now
  14. Well that is 1 out of 20 I'm not gonna lie and say I don't care though (feel guilty)
  15. Actually it's probably 1/30 grr it's hard to tell.
  16. I more post added to my count

    But in all seriousness, i agree. Quality over quantity
  17. Don't bump threads in active topics please, though few people look past the top 7 threads
  18. Actually depoon i just keep going down till i find an interesting thread i'll even go to the bottom lol