plunder reduced after upgrades. please help!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by skyler-undead__, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. If you are an experienced player or have experienced this issue in the past, you may be the only person who can help me.

    While doing the Epic Battle, "The Destroyer," I managed save 13.5 billion in gold, which most of you know is enough to build a level three Circle of Elements. To do so would require that I replace the only Summoning Circle I had. After doing this, I unloaded all of my troops and used a crystal to put me at full troops.

    The amount I made prior to the upgrade was 21.8 mil first hit on The Destroyer. After the upgrade, I was only making 20.8 mil on the first hit. Now, as most people know, Summoning Circles do increase the amount of gold given to you by allies and Circle of Elements slightly decreases it but in turn replaces it with the amount taken from the enemy when you hit and then some. This could only mean I should be making more then 21.8 mil on the first hit.

    Keep in mind the epic battle was The Destroyer, and bigger players make 30 mil first hit on this epic, so I'm far from the cap.

    I come up with some possible solutions, and need help determining which one, if any, are correct.

    1. My Guild to Circle of Elements ratio could effect this in some way I don't know about.

    2. Everything I was taught was wrong as far as how the builds effect plunder (Not entirely my fault).

    3. In a recent update, how plunder is calculated had changed.

    Please help anyway you can.

  2. If you scout me you will see that I have 24 lvl 4 guilds (all low lands) and 7 lvl 3 Coe (all high lands) and a lvl 2 castle (can't upgrade to lvl 3 until I have 12 high lands explored.
  3. level2->level3 always has a decrease in plunder.
  4. Try buying another ally, maybe 2-3bil
  5. Dezoroba, since when did upgrading decrease plunder?
  6. I tested this myself. T4 had this before 5 release. Maybe, they changed it.
  7. Dezoroba, please refer back to when I discussed how Coe plunder is effected in comparison to summoning circle.

    Also keep in mind this is the first time I've had this issue. It went up ever upgrade prior to this one, is is this one different?
  8. There ha been a saying. Once you reach a designated amount of CoE, your plunder will increase 1m/-+ per time. Have not tested this but may be true.
  9. Its a simple thingy called upgrading it. Genius
  10. For me, SoS used to secrease my AP. But after reaching a amount of sos, it seemed to have stop decreasing but increasing.
  11. SOS decreases plunder up until u have more than 24. Once u have lowlands all SOS that's as low as plunder goes for all spy builds. It starts to go up when you have more than 24 or 25 SOS, I can't remember which.
  12. t4 is something like that.
  13. Not particularly. It would have started going down, like the SOS does, not up and then back down. As I mentioned it was going up high in gold per hit up until now, which is nothing like SOS.
  14. Wulf answered this style of question in the EB forum, having to do with how your stats compare to a foe's. The closer your stats are to a foe's, the less gold you will make compared to if you were well below the foe.

    Eventually, however, by outstripping the foe in stats, the upgrades will give you more plunder than what you'd lose for the difference.
  15. Skyler, what u said about SoSs are untrue, after about 15 of them my plunder had started to go up a little bit.
    And for the fact that your plunder dropped, are you at max plunder now? And was it your ally bonus that dropped or actual plunder?
  16. Yes I'm at max plunder and to b honest I didn't check so idk. Next upgrade tho ill b sure to check.
  17. There's a couple of reasons that this could have happened, and without testing by replicating your exact build, I can't be sure which reason would be most correct, but my educated guess would be as follows.

    Your plunder earned is calculated on a bunch of things. One of those things is the exact combination of buildings that you have, another one of those things is your size relative to your target.

    If you are hitting a target that is a lot bigger than you, (and you win) you get a lot more gold (for your build) than you would if you hit something smaller. If you upgrade a little, you get more plunder from your better building, but you loose a little, because you are no longer quite so small compared to your target.

    As you get bigger and closer in size to your target, your gains from each upgrade get smaller and smaller, and once you pass the size of your target, they stop becoming gains, and become losses.

    Trying to explain this a little further, in come cases, depending on your build, and depending on the target, the plunder you gain from the building is greater than the plunder you loose from the change in relative stats, resulting in a net increase in plunder earned. In other cases, the plunder gain is less than the plunder lost, resulting in a net loss.

    I would suggest that you are at or just above the ideal stats/build to hit the particular EB that you are referring to, and that from now on, every upgrade that you do will result in a slight loss in plunder (against that EB)

    The solution to this is, that it is time for you to move on to a bigger EB, you should find that hitting a bigger EB gives you better plunder and that your plunder keeps going up (until such time as you again grow too big for that EB)

    That said, sometimes clan admins need to make a compromise on which EB is best for the average member of their clan, so please don't be "that guy" who whines in CC that the EB that your clan is doing is too small. What is right for you, most probably won't be right for the majority of other members in your clan, but the same works in reverse too. It's all about the comprise, but in my opinion, the good of the clan, should always outweigh the good of the individual.