Part 1 If the world remembered their most of their nightmares Every thing would be different. Problem: The don't. Charles was lost. There was no one who was alive that objected to that.
Oops l pressed submit The one thing that people were jealous about was his girlfriend. How could a plucky blonde haired boy be the boyfriend of a beautiful popular girl? Well really Charles and Angel were already fighting even though they had only being together for a week. At least Charles had a friend to help him. Lazara was a cunning (but nice) boy and could reasure Charles that life would turn out right for Charles but Charles needed something else, something.
Part 2 Charles never slept well but one night he fell asleep in a second. In his dream he saw a naked purple skinned girl with her back to him as she turned he woke up
Part 3 Charles woke up screaming. The door opened and Jazara ran in "What's wrong" he panted. "I, I saw a girl" Charles panted back. "What's scary about that?" Jazara said breathing slower. "Everything, I think I've seen her before." Charles said still panting. Jazara gave a man hug to Charles and left the room. Charles cried under his pillow. "Why?" He thought."Why?"
Part 4 School the next day for Charles was Fine apart from when Angel kissed him on the lips. He wasn't read