Free Nobs and Fast Surveys

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FIGURE8, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Simple post.... We have tried some surveys and they are crap. But some are worth a short amount of time.

    Post here which surveys net the quickest nobs with as little effort as possible. No purchase necessary of course.

    Please provide nobs earned, survey taken, time of completion and any other info about the survey.
  2. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

  3. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Okay, me will check them out
  4. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    none you have to pay for all and most are scams
  5. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Fast nobs =downloading all the free apps giving like 3-5 nobs each........

    Open them all for 5 seconds and get back to KAW and collect nobs.

    Delete and.....
    Thank me.
  6. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    I haven't even done a survey. Still gotten 140 nobs lol.
  7. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Not looking for the scam ones. Lol. I've had a few that give really fast nobs. Find em and share em here.
  8. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Post how
  9. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Isn't it obvious? He downloaded den stoopid awps
  10. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    There's more ss but meh...
  11. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    How do you get so many nobs? Mine offer like 2-7 :(
  12. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    @Kas, please post more info lol
  13. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    ^Like more SS or info on what offers I picked?
  14. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    offers picked
  15. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Ugh, I did at least 25 offers in less than 12 hours.

    I hardly remember them lol.

    Out of those 25 about 15 worked.
  16. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    What surveys? Am I missing something?
  17. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Wait..that's my strategy..
  18. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    What apps are downloadable for nobs? I cannot see any downloadable apps on my oracle.
  19. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    I cant even open that damn thing.kaw crashing every time i click on it.Think something wrong with androids that needs to be fixed.
  20. Re: Easy Nobs and Fast Surveys

    Audible got me 83