FAMOUS peoples club 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by THE-KNIGHT-OF-FAITH, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. If u are related to a famous actor son or daughter or just a famous person but I will need workers JOBS: 1. head security guard 2. Security guard 3. Bar tender 4. Administrator 5. SECRET SERVICE 6. HOSTESS 7.HOST 8. Singer sign below if u r famous or want to work for famous people
  2. I'm related to Shaun white
  3. I'm related to Hitler so I'll be secret service

    Jk but I'm still SS
  4. I'll be securituy
  5. Ill be secret service...tho this is lame
  6. I'll be a bar tender. I'm related to that guy who first crossed the apalachians.
  7. Rumor flyin' I'm britanny spears
  8. I remember the name! Daniel Boon I think.
  9. I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone whos related to selena gomez

    Jk but that took forever to write
  10. I'm really related to Justin Timberlake
  11. I'm related to a queen of czechoslovakia when it was a country
  12. Im a good singer so I'll be your singer and I also excel at guitar and other in struments
  13. I know someone who is related to the Queen of England
  14. Mark McGuire is my first cousin.
  15. My friend is related to Alan Carr, Alan is his godfather and once picked him up from school 