Pepole's Litricy Libary

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lady_Blue, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. This is a place where people of any age can write here or read or ask for help or just chat.
    If you have any suggestion please do not hessitate to contact me on my wall.
    Let us see how many stories we get.
    Many Thanks,
  2. People try these all the time and in the olden days of forums they were greatly accepted, whereas people now see them as noobish. I can't deny that I myself won't have much to say here but I like the idea and think they should pick up again. It'll save a lot of threads from being made

    EDIT: Whoops, :oops: I didn't notice that this was in FanFiction section. Sorry normal ff visitors :(
  3. Thank you very much please check out THE LIBARY
  4. Why not just use writer's cafe.... Seems pointless to make another thread like it...
  5. But it is not like it it is different
  6. Ty for ur opinion
  7. You spelled people and literacy wrong.
  8. Come on people get this Libary as big as possible
  9. *people's *literacy *library
  10. I am going to make a new forum so keep posting
  11. Thread. Unless you're a dev you cannot make a forum (/).-)
  12. People please do not post here any more
  13. Post away people
  14. Uhkltdsawwwwwqeertyyu
  15. **** common people post here
  16. baby I'm not drunk don't break my