How about having automated clans/groups that you can join the same way you join a clan. These wouldn't have owners admins ect. They would be owned by the Devs, and run 24/7 Ebs (The EB would be run according to a schedule). Once the EB is up an everyone has received their bonus(s) all members get removed from the clan automatically ready for the next EB (And can rejoin for the next EB) These would be specifically for new players allowing them to grow. Also they could integrate some sort of tips n tricks system into these clans that give detailed specific information on how to war and fight in EBs. The reason I think this would be especially useful is because most clans aren't looking for new players to join there clans and you never find a clan that runs EBs that help VERY SMALL people grow. And before some argues with me there, what I mean is if you do find a clan running, I dunno, war beast for example. The odds are the clan is inactive with no experienced players that are willing to help lil noobs grow.
It's now that we don't want more EB noobs we want new players tht enjoy the game enough to not quit after 5 mins
Because the information base isn't out there (Metaphorically, no players willing to help) and it's hard to find a clan that will take new players
And for the record... I grew fastest on haunting and NQ when I reset.. Js.. It's about your comfort zone not your stats
There are people... Like me.... With small clans (that wish to grow one day but currently they just have newbies) that run b2b ebs for smaller stat people.. So why do the devs need a clan?
I agree ppl should help the noobs, noob speaking lol been on for a week and enjoy the game I noticed most people do help with money and all by having them join clans or giving them a volly but most need help in building what to develop a strong army to enjoy and participate in the ebs
It's really not hard to learn how to play, if new comers took 10-15 mins out of trolling through the forums (forums are pretty much a how to guide,) I don't know how the information isn't readily available to them. There is always advertisements for new clans on WC and if these noobs you speak of spent those 10-15 mins on the forums, they,d know to ask for a volley on WC. I guess if there was something to give noobs when they join the game, maybe 2 speakers ? But then again as already said, we all started without any kick starts, why should they get one?
Good idea but no. We all grew the hard way without help of devs, at least for my main. I did not get any help whatsoever like a 7bil volley or even a 1bil. Starting is the challenge ane its up to the player to continue playing or not
Most of us learned the game in 5 minutes and we knew what to do and how to do it. If we could do that can't the noobs do that?