Hansel Plunder Curve

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IGropeCareBears, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Will I lose plunder curve if I have 2 t4 balance buildings? I'm at the 70b land with 1 balance (castle) rest lvl 4 guilds. Will I lose my plunder curve with 2 troop buildings?
  2. stop molesting care bears you freak
  3. It will go down slightly but first few hits will be up a little bit
  4. hmmm..... molesting plush dolls is a serious mental disorder.
  5. Quit jacking it on the title that's nasty
  6. 70 bil land and ur using guilds? Really? Switch ti SOS. 
  7. Assassin you stole my line :(
  8. Switch to SOS at land 12 to 13 of hl. That's when hl starts costing more than a full SOS. Switch to all SOS then get to lands after.