TIER 5

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by knockonheavensdoor_1967, Jan 20, 2012.

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  1. 
    Rumors are flooding in I'm hearing tier 5 is being released soon. Is there any truth to this 
  2. Znath you ARENT THE FIRST ONE!! DeathMonkey is!!

    No, tier 5 is just a rumor. It isn't coming anytime soon. Mods and devs haven't said anything about them.
  3. The OP is first.
  4. Sorry for caps. "1st" is just stupid spam and annoying.
  5. It isn't coming out anytime soon
  6. That 1st crap is old. It's a last year bit try to be original nub.
  7. Dude, I Rick rolled you. I wasn't serious.
  8. As far as T5 I think devs still had some eb's and war stuff they had planned before we see the next Tier or set of lands.
  9. T5 would be destruction for this game. There's not enough HLBC players. If anything it's gonna cause them to increase money making from EBs to get more active players HLBC.
  10. Rumors r rumors
  11. There is more and more HLBC players every day. I'm guessing we got close to 4-5k right now playing.
  12. Accounting for spies and hansels that is.
  13. there isn't 4-5k HLBC. I doubt it.

    that's nowhere near enough players to introduce t5.

    the only reason they would is to make the nobility buyers happy.

    they originally said. there was multiple EB updates in the pipe. and some war system changes.
  14. ???
    Check the app store. The updates out already
  15. 4-5k...? LOLOLOLOL.

    ********. Besides that's like less than 5% of the active accounts?
  16. More like 16-20% according to facebook.

    That's about one fifth.
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