Guide for starters

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Praetorian, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Hi, it's me. This is for newbies who have just stated, not an lcbc guide.

    1. Complete the tutorial (obviously)

    2. Ask on WC for a volley, ideally to 1-2bil

    3. You will now have about 20-60mil, depending on how high you were hired.

    4. Buy a small ally (ideally at 1mil) and volley him as far as you can.

    5. Sell the ally, and built 1 beastiary and 1 forge, and uplevel your guild.
    This is because a guild raises your max plunder, a beastiary raises your maximum hits from 24 to 26, and the forge will boost your attack. Uplevel them to lv2

    6. Now buy another small ally with your remaining money. Volley him as far as you can, and you keep him. This ally is vital, as later on in the game, growth depends on allies.

    7. Now no more lands for you. Now join a pwar. Hit their OSF (open spy farm). ALWAYS READ THE CLAN ANNOUNCEMENT BEFORE ATTACKING. Whilst doing this, befriend some strong players who don't mind buying your allies.

    8. Now join a non-pwar clan. This will be your home clan, until you want to change, of course.Buy some small allies.

    9. Now you are nearly ready. Join another pwar and make some money. Explore some land (preferrably just 2 lands) and on them build a war cathedral and another guild. This will boost your plunder further.

    10. Now you are ready. Go off into the world, be active and grow!
  2. Is this from ur personal experience in the last 2 weeks?
  3. I have been playing longer than 2 weeks but it's from experience
  4. 20-60 mil?! I got at least 100mil. spent it on pots and allies
  5. Did u quest/get volleyed further than 2bil?
  6. There you go then.
  7. Newbies, rate out of 10.
  8. This is a quite old guide..well, yesterday...
  9. Quit spamming your own thread. It's obviously dead I no one posts on it.
  10. No it obviously aint cos u just posted on it
  11. 7 consecutive posts in a row by the thread maker 
  12. And I wouldn't of posted unless I seen your name 7 times one after eachother. I guess your used to talking to yourself. You sound like you dot have many friends.
  13. Bad guide and dont bump ur own thread. U should not build a forge if ur gonna hit pwars build cathedral to max out plunder.
  14. You'll make more gold doing vollies than hitting pwars. With that small a build even at max plunder you won't make much. Also it's harder to find pwars with small builds.