So, you just began kaw and want to become a hansel? Well, that's no problem at all: just follow my easy, step by step guide! Definition of a HANSEL: A Hansel is someone who's build consists of: one fully upgraded attack building, and the rest being spy buildings. Naturally, a hansel will use spies MUCH MUCH more than troops. Step 1: Find a GOOD CLAN where they do constant EASY Epic Battles (i.e Warbeasts/The Despair). Make sure that you are welcome and that you can stay there for a while, also make sure that the members of that clan are willing to help you through your KAW journey. Step 2: Build up at least 7.5 million gold, then buy four more lands. Step 3: Buy 2 attack buildings (any one works for now, but my advice is go for the building with balanced stats [and trust me, these attack buildings really help in the long run]), and 2 guilds. Step 4: Upgrade the attack buildings as far as you can, one at a time. Make sure these attack buildings are as high as they go before you proceed with Step 5! Step 5: Continue doing the Epic Battles until you save up at least another 5 million. Upgrade each of your guilds ONCE. Step 6: This step may take a while, depending on the loyalty of your clan. Have them volley you (hire you back and forth) so you get money, while continuing to do the epic battles. Step 7: SAVE your money until you have 150 million. Then upgrade each guild one more time. Step 8: By now, chances are you are well acquainted with your clan and know how to play KAW to some extent. Keep buying one land at a time, and upgrading a guild to level 3 on that land until you have 4 guilds total. Now sell those attack buildings for the next best ones you can buy and fully upgrade THOSE until they are as high as they go. Step 9: Continue building guilds and upgrading them to LEVEL 3. Keep buying the next best attack buildings and upgrading those to the max level. Step 10: Once you explore all 25 lands, you will unlock the Highlands. DO NOT explore lands in there until..... Step 11: Now comes the grueling part: it is 900 million to upgrade a lvl 3 guild to a lvl 4 guild. If you followed this correctly, then you have 22 guilds. That adds up to 19.8 BILLION! At this point, I HOPE you have asked for advice on being a hansel and know how to use the advantages you get being one. Step 12: UPGRADE the guilds as you get the money. Once you have ALL guilds as lvl 4 guilds, then sell ONE of the attack buildings you have and build one more level 4 guild . Now sell the other attack building for the BEST attack building (go for the one with balanced stats). Now begin the whole process in the Highlands EXCLUDING THE ATTACK BUILDINGS Well, by now I hope you have good advice and help being a Hansel. For more information, check out other guides on being a FULL hansel! Sorry for no BB codes, too difficult on my iPod. If you notice any grammar errors, or have questions, wall me!
In my opinion , this guide requires more time You should go attack build 1st before converting. Look up at the Hansel Guide by some.Faster
I have no problem with going Hansel from the start, but to do it most effectively requires a clan with multiple OSF's at multiple power levels that you can continually farm to grow. EB's are ok in the regard too but OSF's are a great place for a Hansel to dump troops and not need pots to get wins. The thing that is way way wrong about this guide is it doesnt emphasize the critical importance of establishing an ally base to provide max ally plunder from very early on (say land 7, give or take) and to always make the #1 priority be to maintain max plunder at all times. That's the key to a success of a Hansel, the massive ally plunder. In the Best Of forum there is my old Guide To Ally Ownership which is a long but very detailed read that covers almost all angles about ally ownership and its importance. The numbers in it are wrong, and there's no mention of highlands or T4 since they didn't exist when it was last updated over a year ago, but the underlying fundamental principles of game mechanics are all still the same, so it's a very worthwhile read. The OP should maybe even read it as well, this guide having ignored ally plunder, the most important source of income in the game.
Actually the main reason I put this together quick was to serve as a quick and easy go-to guide for my clan mates wanting to become a hansel. I DID NOT intend it to be perfect, so please quit all the spam saying its terrible
You need to stress the importance of ally plunder bonus to them. Trying to grow without ally plunder is like trying to breathe underwater.
I totally understand that ally plunder is the key element to making any good money, but u would assume that if u were in a good and caring clan, that THEY would give u the BASICS of the game, i.e Ally plunder
OP, your intentions are good, however this path is a bit time consuming and max ally plunder is critical for hansels. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion but you are pushing this as a guide, and for beginners. Just try to pull the good from what the naysayers are saying: I would suggest going land complete with attack buildings then converting. You need a lot of land and allies before a hansel makes sense over an attack build. Also if you go with attack till LC you will not even need to ask for hires people will hire you automatically. Good luck!
Spam? It's constructive criticism. If you don't like criticism then don't make a thread. TBH, if you were making this to help clan mates, you should have directed them to the sticky thread of TMH and Vand' hansel guide. A quick guide is not always best, as you can see from the "SPAM" criticism, you've missed crucial points in your guide.
Veng has a good point, before you go hansel I would also suggest maybe 1-3 lands in the HL (with low land complete, obviously) before you attempt to go hansel.
The stickied thread doesn't teach how to build a hansel, just how to convert it to T4. plus it's outdated. It was during the times of Plunder Wars. Just sayin' I have a Hansel Guide lying around somewhere.. Lol
Not any good... It was still a decent thread that explained crucial points that any hansel could benefit from.