Strip survival guide This guide is dedicated to the Voodoo family and its Alliances What is a strip It is when alot of (or all of) your allies get purchased by someone (a bank) or a group of players with a lot of money. What is a strip/farm It is the above + a group of player then start stealing from you at a massive scale. (i.e 300 times or more) How much can you lose from a strip That depends on how much is out in cash and ur troops level. ) Rule of thumb is 0.08% of the cash u have on hand is lost per successful steal executed on you. (at full troops) ) If you have near 0 troops, amount lost is much much much lower than 0.08%. Thats good. STRIP PREVENTION . Never announce when u r going offline ANYWHERE including CC, PAL. Walls. In fact, you should announce that you're offline when you are not. . You should never reveal your true location. This will confuse enemies and friends alike. Only a few trusted ppl should know ur true location. . Buy large allies. 100 x 200 mil allies are MUCh easier to strip vs 10 x 2 bil allies. . Build spy towers. During time of peace, u might be complacent and not have any. But when all your spies are burned, you are utterly defenseless against massive amount of steals. Recommended spy def = 3 lvl 3 SOS (for advanced kingdoms) or 3 to 4 T1 lvl 4 spy tower. This makes you a much less appealing strip target in ur clan. . 1,000 of first 6 spy def pots. The biggest 3 pots should be bought only if you have a lot in allies. If all of your allies are bought, and the amount that could be stolen = 3x or more of the total cost of 1 set of pots, then u need to buy those big pots to reduce losses. If not, u r gonna lose more than the amount stolen anyways vs pot cost. So everyone has a different pot configuration. STRIP DETECTION . Have a buddy or buddies that is(are) opposite of your timezone. Dont have one? Go find one. . Have that buddy record your top 20 allies and be familiar with them. Preferably a Couple of SS. Do the same for your buddy . Use an instant messaging program like PAL or MSN messenger etc. to notify one another if there are major changes to top 20 allies. Make sure the push-notification sound is loud and dinstinctive of all the other alert sounds u have. And ALWAYS be ON. (status-wise) Dont let the program sets u as away after X minutes. . When messaging your buddy coz he got stripped; message him/her mad like 30 times in a row or more sending off loud alarm sounds til the other person responds. This detection system is the single most important aspect of surviving a strip Failure of early detection means heavy losses. STRIP SURVIVAL . If you found yourself stripped and have a lot of cash out. QUEST all of your troops RIGHT AWAY!! The less troops you have the less the money lose per steal. This HUGELY important! . Dont buy allies back from the bank that is buying you out. This way they will keep buying and dunno that u r active. U make a nice little 1.56% profit. . You should then start ) bank in pots or ) buy huge allies that are of a good value. Good price point is 13 - 15 bil for an old LCBC spy, etc. Do your own research on what price range of large "emergency purchases" should take place in the event that u found urself with large amount of cash. Or ) you now have money to upgrade. . Perfect time to repot if needed. This by far isnt a complete guide. There are other stuff I missed for sure. So feel free to add more tips and comments shall they be constructive. Thanks. Merry Xmas to everyone.
Its a good guide- though, I guess strip wars n stuff aint good for people who like to socialize in here xD
Another way to stop strips is to have a lv1 gild after a while they won't be able to hit u but u have to waste a land
I disagree about having more expensive allies instead of 1 or 2 allies. Imagine you only have 10 allies. if a few are suddenly bought, you might think you were being stripped when it's just normal activity. Having 200 allies means they need to click and buy each one of them and look back and drop. So yes it's easier for more people to buy them, but it's also more of a hassle since they might not have the slots to buy all 200 without dropping.
I wanna be a strip farmer, when I'm stronger, I'm gonna strip farm all the noobs, that r owners of clans!!! Lolz!!!!!!
Well, I agree. But as a devils advocate: if you have 8 20 bil allies it's much harder for someone to strip you. Not saying impossible, but they have to be damn rich to do it. And little soldiers can't try and stripfarm you either. But agree. If your clan notices something also have them pin you. Assassinate by friends is a good prevention until you are able to log in and bank
Its also good to have a ton of really crappy allies in addition to your very good ones. That way you have the best of both worlds. Buy your 8-10b allies then buy random allies every day around 30-50mil. Its cheap and if u buy 300stats at that price range people wont fight for them. That way when ur stripped they have to sift through numerous crappy allies before they buy your good ones. Gives u more time to react to a strip.
If you r a likely target for a strip and you know they are feeling you out to see your bedtime ie random farming at different times a day to either catch you dtw or failing to respond. Sometimes they will shop your allies buying them one at a time to see if you buy back like an activity test. First never buy back. Check to see if the person who bought is in your enemy's clan. If they are probing they will buy more in 15 min or so. Also you can leave your idevice on at night plugged into its charger. It will still vibrate if you get hit even if the sleep mode kicks in. Always respond during your bedtime. Buy back allies and counter attack. This will get them backwards on your sleep schedule.
Not gonna say this is a bad guide, but it's very incomplete and not detailed. Bank in pots? How about bank in atk pots. If you're a strip target you're gonna lose those def pots, hence, lost of your coin. Buy more allies when being stripped??? Thanks bud, now we can reopen you again. Quest to burn troops??? Why not atk larger tagerts to burn you troops at a much more effective rate. As for hiring big allies vs little allies....if the bank has a 50bil to strip you with it doesn't matter if you have big ones, small ones, or even ones in're gonna kiss 50bil worth of allies buh-bye. You can try hiding your big allies by hiring tons of cheap ones but it won't make a difference. I would call this guide what to do when being stripped by people that haven't a clue how to put together a proper strip. If you're targeted by people that know how to put together a strip right, hang on tight, you've bought the ticket now it's time to take the ride.
If ur buying more allies while they strip yours is a good way to waste more of your money. But an experienced stripper will buy while the attacks are in progress. Attacking a large target is a much better way to self pin.