Here is the roster. I will update when necesarry. Post here if youre on Big Cheese- J3lackj3ird SQUAD 1 Leader-Zarrow First Class Sheriff- Second Class Sheriff- Third Class Sheriff- Mob Control 1- Mob Control 2- Mob Control 3- SQUAD 2 Leader-Outdoartoast First Class Sheriff- Second Class Sheriff- Third Class Sheriff- Mob Control 1- Mob Control 2- Mob Control 3- SQUAD 3 Leader- First Class Sheriff- Second Class Sheriff- Third Class Sheriff- Mob Control 1- Mob Control 2- Mob Control 3- SQUAD 4 Leader- First Class Sheriff- Second Class Sheriff
Sorry, hit send too early. You get the picture on squad four. When more people are on board, there will be more positions. I guess it thinks C L A S S is a swear-must of read only the A S S in it! :lol:
We will operate in a rank fashion-first class is ahead of ALL others, 1st squad is ahead of other squad members below their rank, etc.
I would like to join the Grammar Police. I can spell and I have an extended knowledge of the English language.
Can I join?! I can't spell or write well, nor do I have good grammar or control of the English language. :ap. Sorry I couldn't resist.
Me is gud puleese men. Yuh shood pik meh fur leedar off allz teh gremar pulieeze! Becazz i aer a gud spillar arnt i?