Grammar Police

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zarrow, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Here is the roster. I will update when necesarry. Post here if youre on

    Big Cheese- J3lackj3ird

    SQUAD 1
    First Class Sheriff-
    Second Class Sheriff-
    Third Class Sheriff-
    Mob Control 1-
    Mob Control 2-
    Mob Control 3-

    SQUAD 2
    First Class Sheriff-
    Second Class Sheriff-
    Third Class Sheriff-
    Mob Control 1-
    Mob Control 2-
    Mob Control 3-

    SQUAD 3
    First Class Sheriff-
    Second Class Sheriff-
    Third Class Sheriff-
    Mob Control 1-
    Mob Control 2-
    Mob Control 3-

    SQUAD 4
    First Class Sheriff-
    Second Class Sheriff
  2. Grammar Nazi you dumbass
  3. Sorry, hit send too early. You get the picture on squad four. When more people are on board, there will be more positions. I guess it thinks C L A S S is a swear-must of read only the A S S in it! :lol:
  4. We will operate in a rank fashion-first class is ahead of ALL others, 1st squad is ahead of other squad members below their rank, etc.
  5. Seriously, I get squad one. I can actually spell.
  6. I would like to join the Grammar Police. I can spell and I have an extended knowledge of the English language.
  7. Can I join the force seriously, I can write and speak English well
  8. Can I join?! I can't spell or write well, nor do I have good grammar or control of the English language. :ap. Sorry I couldn't resist.
  9. Shiny badge 
  10. Look at arimay's story that is enough to kill one of you
  11. My English sucks, but seriously , can I join ?  .
  12. I will be a first class sheriff
  13. Did I hear shiny? ~.<
  14. I wants took leader from the squawd 3 becose my sperier inglish skillz owns you alls!
  15. Interesting. Grammar Police with only 3 members.
  16. Can I be police chief? Or El Capitan? Or leftenent?
  17. I iz gewd ad zbellin nd grommer
  18. Me is gud puleese men. Yuh shood pik meh fur leedar off allz teh gremar pulieeze! Becazz i aer a gud spillar arnt i?
  19. I call squad four leader! I are grammr nawzee