A V E N G E R S Recruitment 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --CF___WAR_DEM0N__CF--, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. We are recruiting active admins and perms for S3 and unlocking eb's For joining Wall yashu11 or classified__lover
  2. Please do not post a wc ad in forums. This is considered spam and will only upset forums. This will also gain your clan negative support.
  3. This belongs on wc. Please don't post these short ads on forums OP.
  4. I did a tvp in classified_lover's clan and he threatened to farm me cause i didnt use xtal on tvp xD
  5. My clan recruitment thread was better ._.
  6. Just noticed this was the second A V E N G E R S thread in less then a day, and both are low effort. Please stop the madness.