1.if you are 500k stats and under you will want to start out having all your lands forges then level them all to level 3 and make sure you have at least 500mill gold in allies this will increase your plunder in a eb 2.if you are 500k stats and above you want to gradually sell your lv 3 forges and replace them with subterranean factories and one by one upgrade them to level 3 and have at the least have 5 500mill each allies. And before you start to sell your subterranean factories you should upgrade your castle to level 2 (that will really help you) and also remember you also want to have all 25 lands with lv 3 subterranean factories. 3. Now you are on the last stage to being the ultimate oaf start off by selling your subterranean factories now make sure you have the money to buy a cursed foundry and replace the subterranean with a cursed foundry and do that with all of your subs and make all your cursed foundrys level 2 then upgrade 4 highlands then make those level 2 foundrys then start making all your foundrys level 3 when that is done keep on getting one more land every time and putting a foundry there and making it level 3 but when you have 5 more lands to go make those SOS's so you have some spys and make those the max level and by now you should have at least 10 bill in allies. Now you should have the ultimate build and just keep on buying allies now
Next time you make a guide make sure to include the following: Prices of each stage of building Total price of everything Better paragraphing BB codes to make it pretty How long it'll take Also I don't think you can just go straight from a cursed foundry and be able to afford making a fully leveled SOS.
I agree with MissBehave, your. Not an OAF for starters, try using better grammer, indentations, and paragraphs. Also, list costs, time lapse, etc and maybe only do this guide if your a HCBC OAF yourself...
I was just thinking how I love all attack builds! You pay so ******* well!! And with new growth as our new eb, my spy's need players like you
Well dude if you're gonna be OAF you need maximum stats possible so the spies make the most money. You'd get that by going with CoE instead of CF. T3 is crap, go straight from T2 to T4 L2 CoE, which will give you 27 hits per regen. Once you're at like 12 highlands then convert them to L3 one a time as you'll be making a ton from EBs so won't be hard. My better, I win.
Some people don't like periods But it's kind of annoying cause you never know where one sentence begins and the next ends can also make it hard to comprehend everything going on at times because your brain don't have a place to stop or start during a long paragraph or run on sentence like this one I know it's getting annoying and pissing a few of you off do I'm almost done. found one