
Discussion in 'Wars' started by *iScarface (01), Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Hey guys it's CandianPrincess here.

    Just wanted to make a statement about the on-going OSW and how badly LR is getting pounded mostly because the former Mod BelleMorte can't keep her mouth shut. Who has also abused her right of having/using her mod powers for her own personal reasons. For Example how she Pmed a strip target just to see if they were awake regarding a problem he had brought to her( I think it was a ToU thing) which had been already solved. She also stated that she had emailed the devs but with further investigation was also false.

    So BH/IG and allies keep hitting those Noobs

  2. Nice name. I don't care if it sticks, I'm reporting your for impersonating a moderator.
  3. What? Look out everyone, cheese has finally lost it.
  4. Lol what? ^@Cheese

    Cor your one of the biggest noobs out there@Corsiva
  5. Same to you. You can't post with a main.
  6. Don't play ******* stupid with me.
  7. Oh, thank you! I didn't know you thought so highly of me!

  8. Why was this made..
  9. @Erebus It was made so the OP can try to feel special by seeking attention.
  10. I'm somewhat confused as to what difference it makes what Belle did or didn't do when she was a mod.

    That happened HOW long ago, and you're just now complaining about it..
  11. Post on a main. Your embarassing.
  12. Cor Still butthurt from the beatings you got
  13. Not sure what beatings you're talking about, sorry. :roll:
  14. Cor the troll face image after every lame troll attempt isn't necessary. Just kinda shows everyone you try way too hard to obtain negative attention
  15. This is a pointless thread.. This was brought upalready in the other thread Forum mod needs to lock it.
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