Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KI-Germanicus-KI, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Incase people didnt know there is something called a pw. join a clan which has a pw, and attack the target for free money. now you know... STOP BEGGIN FOR HIRES!

    PWar at TempestBC 6.4 mil OSF/OAF 5.4mill2 mil stat (800k Hansel) to join!

     that is what a pw ad normally looks like. there is actually a pw at tempest RIGHT NOW, so feel free to drop by and get yourself some cash. :)
  2. You need a butt woopin for mr. Anti-noob
  3. How do you expect newbs to grow?
    That's what I don't get...
    All the pwars have like "Must be 600k to join" blah blah
    I mean wtf? How you gonna get anywhere? Aren't pwars for newbs who wanna grow? I mean seriously.. OH I GET IT. U WANNA BE ON THE LEADERBOARD DON'T YOU?! HUH?!
    Yeah I see now.. BUU MADDD
    RWARRR >_<!! Y U NO LIEK MEHH?!!

  4. lol there are crappy noob pws as well if u bother lookin at wc for 2 mins or so, and sometimes the big guys accept you without looking at your stats so try anyway
  6. stfu with your trash talk 
  7. Why is this in strategy? Explain to me or die.
  8. :( 

  9. its a cash generating strategy, thats why its in the startegy section.
  10. Your face Is a cash generating strategy

    I won
    Duh, WINNING
  11. Instead of making money with a newb/noob why don't you choose to make your money with me!
    Evanescence at Paradise Island - Just Started - Big money
  12. I Like Noobs.......or was it with a B....