How To Become A T4 OSF

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Breakdown, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Ok, so, some KaW’ers already know me I’d suppose :p I wrote a guide… How To Become A Successful OSF 5 months ago… (To search it, go to http://www.google.com and type “KaW OSF” then click ‘Search’ and you’ll see the guide :D )

    I supposed that I needed to make a guide to become a T4/T2. :lol:
    So, here it is ;)


    -Total Newb? Or BC T3?
    -Split Bridge
    -The Long Journey (Split Bridge 1-1)
    -I Still Gotta Attk. In PW :( (Split Bridge 2-1)
    -Insomniac OSF’ing (Split Bridge 2-2)
    -My Friends… Rock. (Split Bridge 3-1)
    -Small Details in Organizing PW’s.

    -Total Newb? Or BC T3?

    Ok. Supposing you’re either a 400/200/150/150 just-passed-tutorial player who barely knows what's an OSF, but wants to be one :| , or maybe a BC T3 (Hansel build preferred), you’ll have to:

    -If below BC T3, read my other guide:

    How To Become A Successful OSF - made in October 2010.

    -If BC T3, advance to next section.

    Split Bridge

    Ok. WTF does split bridge actually mean? I use that as a reference… you have lots of ways to become “T2/T4 OSF”, as transferring money (excessive amounts of gold :eek: .), OSF’ing (only useful if you have high OSF stats), and joining PW’s (average option.)


    >number< - >number<

    First number means section. Second number means next chapter of the section.

    -The Long Journey (Split Bridge 1-1)

    Hmm… nice. You've read this far :)

    The Long Journey. No kidding. In this section, we refer to the countless weeks>months spent PW’arring to save up gold/upgrade each time until BC T4. Since you must ALREADY KNOW, that this section means you have to keep plunder warring (attacker side) which will lead you to few work daily, and a good amount of money earned.

    I’d like to write but there are no more words I can use to explain this :p So I’ll mention tips on how to make more gold in PW’s.

    -Tip #1: If you’re on for long periods of time nonstop, attack twice each 5 minutes to earn maximum plunder (if an attack type building.).

    -Tip #2: Search for PW’s that offer nonstop OSF’ing and/or an OAF available. (If Hansel build type.)

    -Tip #3: If Hansel build, steal twice, regen, twice, regen, twice, regen, regen AGAIN. Repeat. I write that because 2 Steals are known (calculated by me :D ) to take 133% of a normal regen, so in fact it saves you gold :p

    -Tip #4: Join Plunder Wars where you can stay/leave if you want. So, if the OSF is closed, don’t be held as a prisoner xD.

    -Tip #5: Not exactly a tip, but I’d say just good for karma. Thank the OSF after unloaded troops, or each certain time if you’re attacking :)

    I Still Gotta Attack In PW (Split Bridge 2-1)

    Ok. This section is about, saving saving saving saving saving, until decent stats to OSF.

    Just follow tips in section above, and done :)

    Insomniac OSF’ing (Split Bridge 2-2)

    Well… hehe… lol. Don’t worry. This doesn’t mean staying THE WHOLE DAY spamming “Sell” and “Ok”, for OSF’ing this way, I’ll write options :p

    Option #1: OSF’ing Dropping Timer: This means you sell cheap potions in a period of time, the time you’re open.

    Option #2: OSF’ing Dropping N/S: Well, I’d say this is the *gulp* hated task of spending all your opening time (hours) spamming Sell and Ok to the point where Carpal Tunnel is just a detail for ya :p I don’t recommend this. Your hands are not worth a game.

    Option #3: OSF’ing 30B - Timer: This is very nice for OSF’ing. You lower your spies to 20-25%, on any OAF, and you keep your spies at that margin for as long as you’re open. You drop expensive 12M potions in groups of 5, 10, or 20 which will approximately waste you 50 of them an open if you have a big crowd attacking.

    Option #4: OSF’ing 30B - N/S: This… is… supreme! Lol. Do as “Option #3” for all your opening time. Not too much work. Just check in every 5 minutes to lower spies… and if money out is around 50-100M, drop some more potions ;)

    I suggest… either you organize one big plunder war where you stay 48 hours awake and drop expensive potions nonstop,


    You turn with another OSF with a different/opposite timezone, sell any type of potion, and divide tax.

    My Friends… Rock

    :cool: , by “My Friends Rock” I don’t mean a friend will randomly come one day and tell you: “Hey Bob I wanna give you 670B so you BC as OSF here take it.”

    Lol. I mean they’ll help you recruit in WC, call their friends, help you out, which I’m glad I have some great friends I can count in. And karma is good… so I’ll cooperate and help them :D

    Your friends can transfer you small sums of money, or big ones, they can get attackers for your PW, friends rock ;)

    Small Details in Organizing PW’s

    Hm. Details. Tips. NOTHING ELSE. :)

    Tip #1: Plan it with 48 Hours Anticipation. Have an empty schedule those 2 days.

    Tip #2: Have at least 10-20 high attackers that you know they’ll join.

    Tip #3: Save up those damn speakers! Stop looking for GF’s in WC! Save ‘em up for your PW!

    Tip #4: Greet Your PW Visitors. (Attackers) Giving a good impression equals to, they have you as an usual PW :p

    Tip #6: You noticed I skipped #5, or didn’t you? Oh well,

    Tip #5: Hosting PW’s with few or no DTW’s gets more hitters.

    Tip #6: List the names of persons that YOU ARE SURE would like to join your next PW. Invite them with 24hrs of anticipation to next PW, start recruiting.

    Tip #7: Offer prizes for high plunder in war, such as a portion of tax, or no-tax opens. Also offer opens before war so everyone you’ve recruited 12-3 hours before war start doesn’t leave.

    Tip #8: Do not get frustrated if you fall asleep, Mochigames fails, no hitters join, etc. JUST HAVE A BACK-UP FOR THAT NEXT WAR.

    So, my guide ends here. If I didn’t help you at all, and you have deep pockets, BC yourself with nobility.

    If I did help, just wall me if any questions, and enjoy being a BC T4 OSF! :)

    Y’aLl RoCk :p

    Shooting Stars's OSF in Training :) 
  2. to be fair. it's a t1 osf or t2 osf. there are only two tiers of guilds. not 4. it's a common slightly noobish mistake
  3. I know :p

    I posted "T4/T2" because people confuse them :lol: …

    Imagine if I had posted "T4" only or "T2" the discussion that would have been created :|
  4. I like! support ATW... im going hansel on my main, so this is a GEM of a guide.
  5. Cool. Actualy, guild lv1 is t1, guild lv2 is t1 1/2, guild lv 3 is t3 1/2, guild lv 4, t3. SOS is t4. But I prefer the easier just t1 and t2. It's simpler. Lol
  6. Or...don't osf and actually hit someone O.O

    It's actually a nice feeling.
  7. Delphin,

    My main acc. is weaker than me. But attack building.

    I think he's maybe a nooby dude in forums as Zerk…
  8. I like this guide, but kinda states the obvious.
  9. BUMP because a 0/0/12/12 player posted my wall wanting to know how to become an OSF :lol: