Hi, I'll introduce myself. I'm Adamant_NightRush, a normal KaW player, nothing different. I became OSF months ago... PRIVATE CLAN OSF, NOT OPEN TO OUTSIDERS. DON'T ATTACK IF NOT IN THE CLAN. (Yeah, doesn't mean you can attack me...) Well, and I thought it would be handy, since I have tried to become OSF multiple times, and once, I found the easiest. Contents -Starting in KaW -Training -Reaching the LC -Land Complete! -The Boring But Easy Way -Done. Task Complete. -Starting in KaW Well, it's here. you just downloaded a weird app, called Kingdoms at War. You don't know what it is, nor what "OSF" means. After all of this is done, and you're a total new player, let's start off advicing you what to do. First, OSFs are for people, and people are in clans, so unless you want to be a wandering OSF, join a clan. Choose wisely, for it's essential in all you'll do. It's not necessary to have an OSF to go OSF... but it's the easiest way around. Don't be a clan hopper, decide ONE clan, you'll be dedicated to, and a clan which has lots to offer. (not just in KaW Gold terms...) After that's done, ok, let's summarize what you are at this stage: -Around 10,000 Price -Low Stats -Just Joined Your Desired Clan After this is done, don't ask for volleys. You'll receive one possibly as soon as you enter the clan, or you'll be given walkthroughs on KaW. I warn from now, DO NOT, DO NOT sell all your buildings and save up the gold earned in the volley for "Volleys You Don't Keep", as it will take time, and the people who ask for volleys ask their clans, or the whole WC population does it before you can. Ok, so, let's say you got vollied to, around, 800 Million? Ok, your stats would be around... let's say you have 40K attack. As soon as you do, and you're in your clan, you should start, Training. -Training May be the most boring part, may be the best one. Depends on how's your clan, if it's inactive, it's not very worth it. If your clan is really friendly, active, and can help you, then, this will be made in a blink. Do not, do not, ask in World Chat (WC) for volleys. That will classify you by a different perception, and everyone will think you are like everyone else. Stand out, as you grow in the clan, attacking OSFs, questing, or hitting in the battle list, each one has a consequence. -OSFs: You can become dependant on them... don't. They're not available 24/7. -Quests: Don't give enough money. -BattleList: Gives good money, but they can retaliate or you can fail because of potions/high defense. With this stated, you pass hard weeks, training, hiring lots of allies, already reached the 2B in allies mark, it's becoming easier, daily routine, you're about to get the 1.5 Billion Land! Congratulations! Then, as soon as you get that land, you need to go hansel build, which I'll explain below. WARNING, this tactic works better with OSFs, if OSFs not available, then, this guide is not enough helpful Hansel Build, called as a type of kingdom which can make you grow fast, and, gives lots of money. It's composed of all your buildings guilds lv.3 or lv.4, (depends on which one you can afford) except for one melee (melee=attack) building, which will be the one you use up all that plunder. Usually a forge, because of it's attack, but DON'T. Choose the bestiary, more troops, more gold earned -Reaching The LC Wow! already reaching LC? more than 120K spy? Awesome! At this step, you work especially on LCing. Not upgrading the guilds, but LCing. Still, can you count on OSFs? You must, hansel build is for that, OSFs. Low attack, can't beat anyone, except OSFs. You MUST, have defense potions. I suggest, 200 of each for now? Later on, you'll get more potions, but that's perfectly OK for now... I forgot to add, you must have ONE big ally, costing around, 4-5 Billion? He should be around 6 Billion really, but with time he'll be volleyed. Doesn't matter if he has 0 stats, if he's inactive, blablabla... but you must have an ally no one should/must buy! He's your gold source! -Land Complete! OMG... you just land completed! you have 124,200 spy stats, and around 6,700 attack and defense. Now, after all lands bought, you must concentrate on maxing them to lv.4... which will be a boring task, but once again I remind, totally worth it. Let's talk about your clan now, how is it? You need their support, if they won't help you, or just aren't active, it's NOT the clan you're looking for, and not the clan you need. However, if you own a clan, then consider, having made a bad choice. Don't make a clan until LCBC, and with LCBC friends to help. As you go, buying more potions... volleying the ally... socializing in KaW, etc... it's time for the long journey, that awaits you. -The Boring But Easy Way You're already getting guilds lv.4, and you have 400 of each potion, a 6B worthless ally, and your valuable and friendly clan there to help you, you need to set yourself a DAILY objective. For example, when I did that, I set myself to 1-2 guilds lv.4 per day... sometimes I did 1, sometimes 2, and on busy days, not even one. That must not lower your expectations! Never surrender, as surrendering never really brings anything with it... Let's say you work for weeks, and weeks, until, you have hell good stats. -Done. Task Complete. You have all your guilds at lv.4, and your bestiary, giving you a total spy stats of 310,500 and melee stats... don't matter. YOU MUST NOT SELL THE ALLY. I did sell it, but I would have preffered to keep it, as if you farm OSFs, you can get around 260M an open for your clan, instead of the usual 49M a normal 324,000 OSF can support... Remember, sell all your defense potions, waste all that money in the 1,250 spy defense potions, and, as you are near having 150,000 of them, you announce, you're your clan's OSF. If you prefer to spy OSFFOSFs, or, spy farms, you then steal them until you have 56K troops left, and you'll only lose 400-500k per hit, compared to the usual 1.6M lost per hit. If you DID become OSF and this guide did help you a bit, I say, thanks for reading, and hope it helps Adamant_NightRush Trainer of Ragnarok
This game is completly depended on OSFs...im an X-osf (i reset from t4 osf) and most people really dont realize that osfing is harder then it looks! If your trying to make $ from forfiet wars...being on OSF is NOT FOR YOU!