Pure EVIL

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -uber24-, May 16, 2012.

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  1. Dear KaW community,
    I speak on behalf of Pure EVIL, the infamous farming clan.

    As you all know, Farmfest IV recently ended. This competition witnesses vast measures of farming, glimpses into that glorious "golden age" of KaW.

    Ahh, the golden age. Times which predate even myself. Times when alliances were rare and sacred and so very delicate.

    Recently, an "alliance" between two well-known clans was severed. Zaft and iG have separated, and ZiG is no more.

    There is speculation that this rift has been caused solely by Farmfest. However, Pure EVIL does not believe that this is possible. While there WERE hits on both Zaft and iG members during the competition, these hits alone cannot cause such a rift.

    IG, in all of its *power,* has pitched a fit and blamed Pure EVIL for this severance. (I suppose they don't realize that Farmfest sports players from all corners of KaW and that Pure EVIL members make up a very small percentage of the competitor numbers, but I digress.)

    IG has declared war on Pure EVIL.

    Those of you reading this who have met us at Pure EVIL know some things about us.

    1) We have resolve. Unbreakable resolve.

    2) We never give up, regardless of the size and *ahem,* "power" of our enemy.

    3) We will drag our foes down into the darkest and hottest corners of hell, where EVIL festers and is present like Oxygen.

    To iG, us at Pure EVIL have a message:

    Tough talk and intimidation are futile. And please, don't send your noobs from Wit to attack us. Make good on your threats.

    We fear nothing and nobody.

    Welcome to hell.

    -uber24, Member of Pure EVIL

    ~~Long Live Devastation~~
  2.  Totally irrelevant perhaps: but according to GaW the ZAFT iG feud in GaW got carried over to KaW. That's according to random posts in GaW forums though.
  3. Damn. Best of luck to you pure evil
  4. Nice thread for once 
  5. And... **** just got serious in Kaw.
  6. Damnit, I was about to see if I could join pe today.
  7. Even though pe farmed the **** out of me I still dont want to see em go down.
    Fight hard like always
  8. The war in GaW has ended a month ago or so, iG and ZAFT respect each other in there again, there is no more "feud" there. 
  9. It's about time.
  10. Pe was simply a scape goat in all this, FF was just a convenient excuse
  11. A damn shame. IG should support pe, not fight it.
  12. **** wasnt expecting that still thats quite a big war good luck

    please keep me updated

    Support to PE here though
  13. Yeah there is no way this was caused by a few hits that weren't even from pe members
  14. Yeah might join PE if wit start hitting and they offer me a invite

    Happy to help :D
  15. Lol I could do some IG farming 
  16. This is ridiculous. I know for a fact iG members have supported ff many times, and now when they need someone to blame they blame ff just because they can? No offense, but iG you used to be better than this.
  17. Yeah same. This isn't right to wrongly try to destroy the only clan that preserves the true meaning of kaw
  18. Got my support 2
  19. They wont destroy PE, they will destroy themselves soon enough. I really doubt everyone in iG wanted to osw PE - makes no sense. If iG were to fall, it would be from civil dispute
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