Unoffical Guide to PvE 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Will someone make one already giving details such as:
    • Amount of life
    • Type of attack needed
    • Etc..

    I'd do it but to freaking lazy now 
  2. There's a stickied thread by Corinthian in the strategy section. Look there
  3. Haunting requires 32m attack strength and 2m spy strength. Adjust your potion usage accordingly. :)
  4. I had the same reaction... lol. Boss's health is easy to figure out because you can just use the battle log + a calculator. What I'm more interested in are all the calculations for the reward ;P. I did a little bit on it, but I don't really enjoy clan quests.
  5. Thank you hotchkiss but cor the troll already made one long a go.

    You just had to read through his own spam! Yes he spans his own forums! Like come on it takes days to read his stuff!!

  6. He didn't include lots of things :p!
  7. That maybe true 

    Has anyone read that thing? My a.d.d. Kicks in after the second sentence.

    Cor you really have to condense that thing 
  8. I read it while he wrote it :p