Pure Spy

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RIPYUNGBRUH, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Are Pure Spy's wanted for EE? If so what are requirements? What cs, mith, equipment you need? Is it different equip or mith from regular war builds?
  2. Most clans will want one or two PS's at most. They are very uncommon, and useful, but severly have their limits. Pure Spies dominate the spy section, but they can be easily KO'd because everyone can scout bomb, and it only take spy actoins to knock them out
  3. Big spy stats, high bfa, high bfe
  4. Pure spy's don't plunder in EE wars so also be ready for accusations of inactivity
  5. It's definitely not high bfe. You want as low as possible to maximize spy offensive stats. I can't remember exactly, take a look at some of MK or s26's pure spies when they war.
  6. Need to have high spy mode equipment, HFLC, and BFA being optional.
  7. Are you all high?

    Don't tell a pure spy to have bfa, that's a leak waiting to happen
  8. You need low BFE, a minimum of 50 1b allies with 1 large ally, and you don't mith spy but mith attack/defense in case they catch you with gold out. As for cs, any cs works.

    Good luck op!! Kill em' out there!
  9. let's see them strip a PS with only 1T allies
    Any small allies are a joke, you'll get decimated.
  10. Get as many small allies as possible
  11. ima nub :3
  12. You dont have to hire allies, just hire them.
  13. Hire pure spies during war and farm them
    Oh wait thats not how to become a PS that's how to beat them