Multiple Clan Epic Battles

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -ToT-AshunShugar-ToT-, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. We all see many alliances within the current clan system clearly sprawled across most clan pages.
    There for it stands to reason that epic battles requiring two or more clans to complete would benefit these alliances as well as increasing the fun level for families of clans.
    It could be along the lines that each clan has to fulfil a different objective to complete the eb, suggestions please.
    This platform could further be expanded to a new style war system based around an eb style story, where by each clan is attacking or defending objectives. This would help the smaller guys enjoy a war style scenario involving high participation and timing which would inevitably stand them in good stead for the other war platforms.
    Having spoken to a few old time friends and KaWer's I've been persuaded to throw this out to the wider community to see what you all think. Pure speculation but I think it could be fun. Happy Kawing all. 
  2. Yes.... would very much like to see that.bring in a smaller allie clan to do parts of a bigger EB.good for families with multiple clans.